Medsquare won all 3 DACS public tenders in France between 2013 – 2014

Thanks to its DACS (Dose Archiving and Communication System) − assessed as best meeting the expectations of medical physicists and all medical professionals involved in the dose cycle − Medsquare won all 3 public tenders from hospital purchasing groups in France related to patient dose management in medical imaging.

  • The Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris – AP-HP, 39 hospitals (November 2014) Tender AGEPS : Central Agency of AP-HP, Paris’ hospitals. AP-HP is the largest hospital system in Europe and one of the largest in the world.
  • Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers d’Ile-de-France, 81 hospitals (August 2014) Tender Résah-IDF, including 81 hospitals from Paris’s suburbs.
  • Union des Hôpitaux pour les Achats, 61 hospitals (December 2013) Tender UniHA : a cooperative network undertaking grouped purchasing on behalf of 61 public hospitals throughout France.

During the next 4 years, the RDM solution will be deployed in most of the university hospitals in France: including those in Cochin (AP-HP), Lariboisière (AP-HP), Grenoble, Marseille, Nantes, Necker (AP-HP), Nice, Pitié-Salpétrière (AP-HP), Tours and many others. These references are not only testimonies of RDM’s intrinsic values, but also demonstrate the dynamism, innovation and competitiveness of a European SME in competition with international players that have established a foothold in the DACS market.

Dominique Gabriel, Medsquare CEO: “These are exciting times for Medsquare – over the past few years, Medsquare has played a pivotal role in developing the Patient Dose Monitoring Concept. We have completed major projects and achieved milestones that will be recorded not only in our company’s history but in the history of patient safety as well.”

Cécile Salvat, Medical Physicist at Hôpital Lariboisière (AP-HP), declares:
“Thanks to its appropriate tools, RDM meets the requirements of French legislation perfectly and greatly facilitates the mission of medical physicists. Its user-friendly interface allows you to track, and enhance the reliability of, radiation dose exposure data in order to establish targeted corrective actions, as necessary. RDM tracks high-risk patient exposure simply and efficiently.

Thanks to the technical data collected by RDM, skin dose calculation in interventional radiology procedures for therapeutic use is now possible, including data from installations more than 10 years old. This software helps bridge the gap between all correspondents in patient radiation safety, in order to optimize dose which is a long journey of continuous improvement teamwork.”

Pediatrics imaging was this year’s theme at JFR exhibition (French Radiology Congress). Actually, it’s necessary to track and optimize radiation doses delivered to pediatric patients during medical imaging examinations because of their high radio-sensitivity and the number of doses they might receive during their lifetime.

Bouchra Habib-Geryes, Medical Physicist at Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades (AP-HP), declares:

« In pediatrics, RDM also offers a simple way to centralize doses − providing the child’s dosimetric history by anatomical region, even before the patient’s scheduled examination. If the dose threshold defined in RDM is exceeded, the solution’s customized alert system enables us to quickly detect any abnormality.

RDM is an essential tool in our daily pediatric activities − helping us track and analyze patient dose data as well as improve our professional practices. »
With regard to your hospital’s infrastructure, RDM fits seamlessly into your imaging network and the different types of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) modalities. This is the case for Nice Hospital, which implemented the solution in 2014:

Gyslaine Bruneton (IT Hospital Engineer) & Alain Fuchs (Medical Physicist) from Nice Hospital, France:

“The integration of RDM in our IT infrastructure was accomplished simply and according to strategic deadlines. Importantly, the MEDSQUARE & MPTRONIC teams exercised total control of the project, listened carefully to our expectations, and responded effectively.

Today, via a user-friendly interface, we have a simple way of monitoring and preventing possible overexposures. The traceability of dose received by our patients has been simplified, and the dose reports inserted into the patient file provide an accurate record. By making technical data from interventional radiology exams accessible, the RDM solution enables medical physicists to estimate a patient’s skin dose exposure more accurately.”

Source & Image Credit : Medsquare

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dose management, dose monitoring, Medsquare, imaging software Thanks to its DACS, Medsquare won all 3 public tenders from hospital purchasing groups in France related to patient dose management in medical imaging.