In an eye-opening session on the abused child, experts at #ECR2020 the role of imaging and determining/diagnosing child abuse.


Child abuse is quite common across the world. In the Netherlands alone, between 100,000 and 160,000 children are victims of some form of abuse every year, highlighted Prof. Rick van Rijn, a paediatric radiologist at the Emma Children's Hospital in Amsterdam.


Many times, there are no definitive signs of child abuse, but there may be findings in clinical history or imaging findings that could suggest abuse. This includes bruising and recurrent trauma. Prof. Rijn explains that child abuse can be diagnosed more effectively if paediatricians and child advocacy teams worked together. Also, a thorough investigation should be conducted, which should include the child's clinical history, physical exam, and laboratory testing details. This should be followed by imaging.


Imaging can play a critical role in identifying child abuse. Radiologists can be the first one to raise suspicion if their expertise suggests that the child is a victim of abuse. Radiologists should thus pay close attention to isolated bruises as well other signs of abuse.


Arabinda Choudhary spoke about the usual aspects of abusive head injury and reviewed the existing guidelines as well as indications for CT and MRI.


Maria Raissaki spoke about inflicted abdominal injury and spoke about the role of a radiologist in identifying it and determining if it is a case of child abuse.


Source: ECR Connect

Image Credit: iStock


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Imaging, Radiologists, head injury, child abuse, bruising #ECR2020: The Abused Child and the Role of Imaging