, a premier source of medical imaging information for the general public, has unveiled a new series of articles and videos aimed at demystifying patient radiology exam reports. This initiative is particularly timely, as the reports, often laden with complex medical jargon, can be a significant source of anxiety for individuals trying to understand their health status.


Making Radiology Reports Patient-Friendly in the Digital Age

Radiology reports are traditionally written by doctors for other healthcare professionals, utilizing terminology that can be challenging for the general public to comprehend. With advancements in technology and changes in legislation, these reports are increasingly accessible to patients through electronic health records and patient portals. Consequently, many patients encounter their radiology exam results directly, sometimes before their primary care physician has had an opportunity to review and interpret the findings for them. This shift has underscored the necessity for clear, patient-friendly explanations of medical imaging results.'s New Resources Simplify Radiology Reports for Patients

To bridge this gap in understanding,, a collaborative initiative by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of Radiology (ACR), has developed a comprehensive set of resources titled "How to Read Your Radiology Report" and "Understanding Your Radiology Report." These resources are meticulously crafted to assist patients in deciphering the complex language of their radiology reports, ultimately enabling them to engage in more informed discussions with their healthcare providers about their health. "Radiology reports are increasingly available to patients online," notes Jay Pahade, M.D., associate professor of radiology and biomedical imaging at Yale University, and co-chair of the RSNA-ACR Public Information Website Committee. "Without guidance, patients may experience a lot of anxiety as they try to understand what they're reading. These articles and videos on give patients the information they need to understand their results and to have important conversations about their health with their doctor."


New Guides Simplify Radiology Reports for Better Understanding

The articles and videos on are designed by doctors specifically for patients. They highlight the sections of radiology reports that are most pertinent to patients and provide clear explanations of the findings. The videos feature radiologists who discuss common imaging results, using sample exams to illustrate key points.


Among the new articles available are:

  • How to Read Your Radiology Report
  • How to Read Your Abdominal and Pelvic CT Report
  • How to Read Your Abdominal Ultrasound Report
  • How to Read Your Brain MRI Radiology Report
  • How to Read Your Breast Imaging Report using BI-RADS
  • How to Read Your Chest X-ray Report
  • How to Read Your Liver Imaging Report using LI-RADS
  • How to Read Your Prostate MRI Report


Complementing these articles are videos such as:

  • Understanding Your Abdominal and Pelvic CT Report
  • Understanding Your Chest X-ray Report
  • Understanding Your Brain MRI Report


"These articles and videos are a perfect match to the existing content on," says Andrew J. Gunn, M.D., associate professor and director of the Division of Interventional Radiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and co-chair of the RSNA-ACR Public Information Website Committee. "Like the rest of the website, they provide patients with information they can both trust and use to make informed decisions about their health care."


A Trusted Bilingual Hub for Patient-Friendly Radiology Information and Guidance, a bilingual resource available in both English and Spanish, receives over one million visits annually. It offers easy-to-understand information about various radiology procedures, including x-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasounds, and radiation therapy. The site explains what patients can expect during these procedures, how to prepare for them, and addresses any potential concerns. The website currently features over 300 detailed descriptions of procedures, exams, and diseases, encompassing diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and radiation safety. This content is regularly updated to reflect the latest in medical knowledge and technology, ensuring that patients have access to the most current and reliable information. All materials on are reviewed and approved by experts from RSNA, ACR, and other professional radiology organizations, ensuring the highest standard of quality and accuracy.


With its new series of educational articles and videos, continues to empower patients by providing them with the tools they need to understand their radiology exam reports and make well-informed decisions about their health care.


Source & Image Credit: RadiologyInfo


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Radiology reports, patient-friendly radiology, medical imaging,, understanding radiology, health information, radiology education Learn to understand your radiology reports with’s new articles and videos. Clear, patient-friendly explanations from trusted medical experts.