CytoSorbents Corporation (CTSO), a critical care immunotherapy leader commercializing its flagship CytoSorb® blood filter to treat deadly inflammation in critically-ill and cardiac surgery patients around the world, announced its agenda for the 26th Symposium for Intensive Medicine + Intensive Care in Bremen, Germany from February 24-26, 2016.

As the third largest conference of its kind in Europe, the meeting brings together an estimated 4,600 critical care physicians, nurses, and healthcare workers to review the most recent advances and best practices in the field.  CytoSorbents will exhibit its CytoSorb® therapy for the treatment of life-threatening illnesses for the fifth consecutive year, and will also sponsor an industry satellite symposium entitled, "Systemic Inflammation and Tissue Damage – A Vicious Cycle" on February 25th from 11AM to 12:30PM. 

In addition, data from the first completed investigator initiated CytoSorb® sepsis study will be presented by Dr. Sigrun Friesecke from Greifswald University, Germany, in a highly anticipated talk entitled, "CytoSorb in Patients with Refractory Septic Shock".  Dr. Friesecke and her team are amongst the early pioneers of CytoSorb® usage worldwide, and have utilized it with growing success in patients with varying stages of severe sepsis and septic shock, as well as in liver dysfunction.

Source & Image Credit : Cytosorbents

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CytoSorbents,Intensive Medicine,Intensive Care CytoSorbents Corporation (CTSO), a critical care immunotherapy leader commercializing its flagship CytoSorb® blood filter to treat deadly inflammation in critically-ill and cardiac surgery patients around the world, announced its agenda for the 26th Sympo