Masimo(NASDAQ: MASI) has announced that Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Limoges, in Limoges, France has installed Masimo’s Radical-7®, including noninvasive, continuous hemoglobin (SpHb®), Pleth Variability Index (PVI®), and SET® pulse oximetry technology, to monitor surgical patients and critical patients in the post-anesthesia care unit and intensive care unit.

“For three years, we tested SpHb and PVI on every surgical patient in our facility and then compared this data to the previous period without this technology,” said Professor Nathalie Nathan, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology at CHU Limoges. “In this retrospective review of before and after periods across the entire hospital, in different clinical settings and with many different practitioners, we found that there was a notable reduction in mortality in surgeries lasting longer than 2 hours and patients in the 60+ age range.”

SpHb is a breakthrough measurement that noninvasively and continuously measures total hemoglobin in the blood, and offers real-time visibility into changes – or lack of changes – in hemoglobin between invasive blood samples. PVI is a measure of dynamic changes in Perfusion Index (PI) that occur during one or more complete respiratory cycles, and may show changes that reflect physiologic factors such as vascular tone, circulating blood volume, and intrathoracic pressure excursions. PVI is noninvasive, easily obtained and has no incremental procedural cost.

“According to the World Health Organization, France ranks number one in the world in patient safety. For over 40 years, CHU Limoges has been recognized as a leading hospital in France for patient care, training, research and innovation,” stated Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo. “We are impressed with the format of this three-year evaluation and happy to see Limoges incorporate SpHb and PVI in the care of their patients.”

CHU Limoges is a university hospital that includes four locations and one nursing home. Dupuytren (866 beds) hosts an emergency department, Jean Rebeyrol (459 beds) handles rehabilitation patients, Cluzeau (59 beds) specializes in respiratory diseases, diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic diseases, and Mother & Child (197 beds) specializes in pediatric and gynecological emergencies and has 197 beds.

Source & Image Credit: Masimo

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Masimo Radical-7®,SpHb®, PVI®, and SET® Pulse Oximetry, hemoglobin Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) has announced that Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Limoges, in Limoges, France has installed Masimo’s Radical-7®, including noninvasive, continuous hemoglobin (SpHb®), Pleth Variability Index (PVI®), and SET® pulse oximetry