• Oxygen Therapy

    S upplemental oxygen is an essential component of intensive care and is a commonly used therapy worldwide. The primary goal of oxygen therapy is to prevent hypoxaemia. Since oxygen is usually widely available (except in special circumstances such as during the COVID-19 pandemic) and is relatively inexpensive, it is frequently used in patients with...

  • Oxygen Therapy in Intensive Care Medicine

    An overview of current recommendations for oxygen administration in different patient populations and a discussion on optimal oxygen target values. O xygen is the most commonly used substance in hospitals today. After its discovery around 1771 by the German-Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele and the English chemist Joseph Priestley, oxygen...

  • Oxygen: Too Much is Bad

    Supplemental oxygen administration is a routine treatment administered to a wide majority of critically ill patients. Nevertheless, evidence suggest that exposure to hyperoxia is associated with impaired outcomes. We discuss here the benefits and harms of supplemental oxygen administration in the intensive care unit. Introduction In the intensive...

  • Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19 Patients: The Role of HFNC and CPAP

    Oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 and steps to choose the right therapeutic strategy for each patient. Introduction Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus CoV-2 is the highly contagious viral agent responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is the name of the syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2...

  • Apnoeic Oxygenation for Intubation - Where is the Evidence?

    Apnoeic oxygenation can be used in critically ill patients, without replacing preoxygenation. Introduction Hypoxaemia is one of the most common complications during tracheal intubation of critically ill patients (Jaber et al. 2006; Russotto et al. 2021) with an incidence of severe hypoxaemia reaching up to 50% (De Jong et al. 2013; Jaber et...

  • Major Adverse Peri-intubation Events in Critically Ill Patients – Update on the INTUBE Study

    A third anniversary update on the findings of the INTUBE study, a large international prospective observational study aiming at collecting data on peri-intubation adverse events in critically ill patients . Introduction Tracheal intubation in critically ill patients is among the most commonly performed and high-risk procedures (Russotto...

  • Airway Management in Critically Ill Patients – Striving to Improve Outcomes

    Tracheal intubation in critically ill patients requires planning, preparation and optimisation of patient’s physiology prior to the procedure. Reducing repeated attempts at tracheal intubation, improving peri-intubation oxygenation, and haemodynamic optimisation, are some of the steps that can reduce the antecedent morbidity and mortality. ...

  • Hyperoxia – A Journey to the Centre of the Cell

    An overview of hyperoxia, effect of reactive oxygen species on biological processes and tissues and  effective strategies for oxygen therapy. The reliance of life on oxygen is a modern and terra-centric view. Oxygen only appeared on the scene about 450 million years ago – wiping out many life forms or forcing them to trap oxygen with...

  • Diaphragm Ultrasonography in ICU: Why, How, and When To Use It?

    An overview of the principles and current applications of diaphragm ultrasound and innovative ultrasound-based techniques. Introduction  In the intensive care unit (ICU), ultrasound imaging has become increasingly popular for the diagnosis and to guide treatment in critically ill patients (Volpicelli et al. 2020). The use of ultrasound to...

  • Vasopressor Management in Septic Shock: General Overview and Personalised Approaches

    This article summarises the proceedings of an ESICM webinar in which two experts discuss vasopressor therapy and its fundamental role in the treatment of septic shock-induced hypotension. They provide an overview of severe septic shock, the benefits of second-line vasopressors and their use in COVID-19 patients. Vasopressors in Severe Septic...

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