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    Telemedicine To Transform European Healthcare

    • ICU
    • 27/04/2009

    If you are injured in a car crash or suspect you are having a stroke, quick diagnosis and treatment by top specialists could be critical to the...

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    Vitamin K With Sorafenib Showed Anti-tumor Effects In Pancreas Cancer,

    • ICU
    • 23/04/2009

    A combination of sorafenib and vitamin K had an effect in vitro on both human pancreas cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, according to researchers...

  • Editorial

    For the last few decades there has been an increasingly louder and more urgent discussion underway in the healthcare sector –that of our aging population and moreover, the difficulties and costs involved with treating this expanding group of patients. As critical care managers we are faced with a growing challenge to maintain a high level of quality...

  • Some Thoughts on Intensive Care for Elderly Patients at the End of Their Lives

    Over the last decades, increasingly more elderly and often chronically ill patients are being cared for in hospitals during the last weeks or months of their lives. "Elderly patients" in this article refers to patients above 65 years of age. There are other cutoff ages used, yet with regards to treatment options and prognoses, the numerical age of...

  • The Importance of Understanding IT Values in Elderly Care

    Elderly care is one area where information technology (IT) is rapidly gaining ground. An increase in the number of elderly, and a demand for more advanced help and support, together with a desire to make it possible for the elderly to live in their own homes for as long as possible, force decision makers and healthcare professionals to develop better...

  • Pre-Hospital Therapeutic Hypothermia: Will it Save a Life

    Therapeutic hypothermia has emerged as one of the hottest topics in critical care medicine and although a few continue to debate the proven benefits of induced hypothermia, many have accepted its use as a treatment modality for multiple illnesses and injuries. As the benefit has become more evident within the hospital, practitioners have looked for...

  • The French Healthcare System

    Social Protection System The social protection system was created in 1945 aimed primarily at workers and their families. The expansion of health insurance coverage was implemented in stages during the 1960s. The Universal Health Coverage Act (CMU) concluded this process in 1999 by establishing universal health coverage. Today, three main health...

  • Governance and Geriatrics

    Can hospitals deal with an aging population and a rising prevalence of Alzheimer's disease? The new governance structure, Hospital 2007*, strives to meet this pressing challenge. It will undoubtedly produce other care sections, more gerontology networks, provide better support for the local hospital and regulations for general and regional hospitals....

  • Effective Organisation: National Union of Hospital Managerial Staff

    The National union of hospital managerial staff (SNCH) is an organisation, which exclusively represents managerial staff working in hospitals. The SNCH was founded in 1947 by head storekeepers. Gradually, it started accepting all hospital managerial staff, and now covers administrative and technical staff, as well as doctors and nurses. The definition...

  • Report from the 2nd Therapeutic Temperature Management Congress

    The attention for the role of temperature in the development of tissue injury is increasing. Large observational studies show that development of fever is linked to an increase in the severity of neurological injury, and to an increased risk of adverse outcome in ischaemic stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage, traumatic brain injury and post-anoxic injury...

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