• WHO Pandemic Updates

    Public Health Significance of Virus Mutation Detected in Norway The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has informed the World Health Organisation (WHO) of a mutation detected in three H1N1 viruses. The viruses were isolated from the first two fatal cases of pandemic influenza in the country and one patient with severe illness. Norwegian scientists...

  • Prioritising: Is it the Way to Counter Today's Economic Crisis within the Healthcare System?

    In response to the current economic constraints within healthcare systems, different action plans and reforms, including tax increases, have been deployed to decrease the se and to increase healthcare's effectiveness. It is, however, the time to realise that these measures are not enough and prioritisation might be the only way to cure this chronic...

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    Old Red Blood Cells May Double Mortality In Trauma Patients

    • ICU
    • 22/09/2009

    Philip Spinella and Christopher Carroll, both paediatric intensivists from Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, Connecticut, USA and...

  • Call for Proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks Launched

    The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research is calling for proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs). In support of training and career development for researchers, the action addresses joint research training networks in the form of either multi- or mono-partner ITNs. Multipartner ITNs require at least three participants...

  • Hospital Disaster Response: Are you Really Prepared?

    Is your hospital prepared for the next disaster? This article is designed to generate discussion into the adequacy of your hospital's current emergency response plan. Hours upon hours of work go into creating a hospital's emergency response plan that is designed to respond to a myriad of disasters. As with any large-scale plan, it may appear flawless...

  • Process Control in Multiple Casualty Events

    There are few places which could be considered immune to man-made or natural disasters, culminating in a Multiple/mass Casualty Event (MCE). Much has been written on the importance of preparedness for a MCE. However, a relatively neglected aspect in the MCE literature is that of in-hospital process control from patient admission to the trauma bay...

  • Impact of Hospital-related Disturbances on Disaster Preparedness

    In response to the current economic constrains within the healthcare systems, different action plans and reforms, including tax increases, have been deployed to decrease the costs and to increase healthcare's effectiveness. It is, however, the time to realise that these measures are not enough and prioritisation might be the only way to cure this...

  • Transforming Care in the Intensive Care Unit

    Practitioners in intensive care units (ICU) are challenged to deliver care to critically ill patients presenting with a wide variety of diagnoses and co-morbidities. Care in ICUs should be based on the best evidence-based literature (EBL) available and delivered by a collaborative team of practitioners working from the same 'framework'. This implies...

  • Surge Capacity in a Cost-Effective Healthcare System

    Increasing cost within the healthcare systems has enforced dramatic changes to prevent a disastrous outcome and to make it more efficient. Financial constraints are obvious in the generic planning phase for a real disaster. Economical restrictions have a huge impact on disaster planning. It is now the time to decide which disasters we will see in...

  • The Mexican Healthcare System:

    The United Mexican States, better known as Mexico, is conformed by 32 states and the capital city is Mexico City. Mexico has a total population of 103 million people ( www.inegi.gob.mx ). Every Mexican has the right to receive health protection stated in the 4th article of the "Constitución Politica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos". Despite this constitutional...

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