• Forward Surgical Teams in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Authors Jon Fuerstenberg, MD Department of Surgery University of Minnesota Minneapolis, USA   Greg Beilman , MD Department of Surgery University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA Jon Fuerstenberg [email protected]   This article is an overview of the role...

  • Communication with Families in the ICU

    Authors Ronald Pauldine , MD, Fellow Todd Dorman, MD, FCCM Associate Professor Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA Todd Dorman [email protected]   Effective communication is key when working with ICUpatients’...

  • Educational Programme on Intensive Care Medicine in Spain

    Author Dr Gumersindo Gonzalez Diaz Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain [email protected]   This article describes the development of intensive care medicine in Spain as a primary speciality and its specific, five-year training programme, initiated...

  • Pre-Hospital Care of Critically Ill Patients in Catalonia: Past, Present and Future

    Authors Gilberto Alonso Fernández,   M.D. Regional Chief. Catalan Emergency Medical System Fernando García Alfranca, M.D. Director. Catalan Emergency Medical System Antonio Artigas Raventós,   M.D, Ph. D. Director. Critical Care Department Sabadell Hospital, Spain...

  • Council of the European Union: The Main Decision Making Body of the EU

    Author Sonja Planitzer   This is the third part in a series which covers the structure and operations of the EU institutions. In the first of the series (autumn 2005) Helicia Herman introduced the European Commission (EC).The second part (winter 2005) described the composition, functioning and main role of the European Parliament. In...

  • The Priorities of the Austrian and Finnish Presidencies

    Author Rory Watson EU Correspondent [email protected]   ICU Management EU Correspondent, Rory Watson, describes current EU decision making activities concerning the working time directive, services directive, the European Commission’s health priorities programme 2006, and a new organ transplants legislative proposal....

  • Societies

    ESICM Research Awards Jean Daniel Chiche Head of Research Committee www.esicm.org   The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) has launched a programme to fund European research initiatives led by young investigators. Thanks to a genuine partnership with industrial leaders, 6 Industry Research Awards ranging...

  • Research

    Research: SCCM Awards The 35th Critical Care Congress of the Society of Critical Care Medicine was held in San Francisco 7th to 11th January 2006. A selection of the SCCM awards is reported here and a full list is available on the SCCM website: www.sccm.org/ membership/awards/recipients/index.asp   The winner of the 2006 SCCM Vision...

  • Pharmacy

    Author Richard S. Bourne MSc, MRPharmS Lead Critical Care Pharmacist Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK [email protected]   New legislation and national standards in the UK promote the role of the critical care clinical pharmacist towards integration in the critical care teamand improving patient...

  • Australian and New Zealand IC Databases

    Authors Carol George MBus (IT) Lynda Norton, MPH Tracey Higlett, MPH Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) [email protected] http://sas.anzics.com.au/Portal www.anzics.com.au   Acknowledgement The ANZICS database projects are funded at a regional...

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