• Medic Clean Air Introduces Renewed Website

    www.mediccleanair.com   MedicCleanAir recently presented its renovated website, based on the company’s years of experience in Infection Control. The website offers information about different airborne problems and their solutions. Attention is particularly drawn to the New Generation Mobile HEPA Units with computerized hygiene...

  • Maquet Critical Care Receives FDA 510(K) Clearance for its SERVO-I Ventilator with NAVA

    www.maquet.com   Maquet Critical Care announced that it has received 510 (K) clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the company’s SERVO-I ventilator with the NAVA (Neutrally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) option. According to Maquet, NAVA is a new approach to mechanical ventilation which allows the patient’s...

  • Management of Massive Operative Blood Loss

    Authors Harry Kertscho 1 Jens Meier 1 Bernhard Zwissler 1 Oliver Habler 2 1) Clinic of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Control, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt/Main, Germany 2) Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,...

  • There is Something in Hospital Air

    Author Mart Geraerts Senior Consultant: Indoor Air Quality in Medical Facilities Economist: Walsberghe NV - Europe [email protected]   It is a known fact that tuberculosis, aspergillus, chicken pox, measles and MRSA-containing particles float around in the indoor air of most hospitals. Numerous publications...

  • Ventilators, Intensive Care

    ECRI is a totally independent nonprofit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organizations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s public health mission by providing specialized knowledge, expertise, and support in the health field to the WHO and its member nations. ECRI is widely recognized...

  • Palliative and Intensive Care

    Author Ken Hillman Head Division of Critical Care South Western Sydney, Clinical School, Sydney, Australia [email protected]   One of the important challenges for intensive care in Australia and, for that matter, in many other countries, is how we deal with the increasing number of patients...

  • The Major Challenges Facing Australian Intensive Care Over the Next 10 Years

    Author Dr Arthas Flabouris, FJFICM Staff Specialist Intensive Care Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital Clinical Lecturer, University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia [email protected]   This article outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for the Australian intensive care environment...

  • The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group

    Authors John A Myburgh PhD, FANZCA, FJFICM Chairman   Simon R Finfer FRCP, FRCA, FJFICM Immediate Past Chairman   Rinaldo Bellomo MD, FRACP, FJFICM Inaugural Chairman, ANZICS Clinical Trials Group Carlton, Australia   Introduction The specialty of intensive...

  • Industry

    Maquet Critical Care Unveils Neutrally Controlled Ventilation Technology www.maquet.com At the 19th Annual Congress of the European Society of Critical Care Medicine (ESICM) in September, Maquet Critical Care (Maquet) announced the launch of its latest breakthrough in mechanical ventilation, Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA)....

  • Failure to Regain Weight After Critical Illness: A Short Review

    Authors Vanessa Helliwell, FRCA, EDICM Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, United Kingdom [email protected]   Sheena Hubble Consultant ITU Medicine,Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Exeter, United Kingdom Robert Fraser   Mortality...

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