• European Perfusionists in ECLS/ECMO: Roles & Responsibilities

    Since its first clinical use in the 1950s, the set-up and management of the heart-lung machine (HLM) has been the responsibility of the perfusionist, who has a documented competency in every facet of extracorporeal technology because of their theoretical and practical training. In contrast, when this technology leaves the operating room to provide...

  • Biomarker Guided Antibiotic Therapy: What’s New?

    The aim of the present review is to summarise the current evidence for the use of biomarkers in facilitating therapeutic decision-making by guiding and tailoring the prescription and the duration of antibiotic therapy. The main benefits of this strategy are a potential reduction of antibiotics overuse in critically ill patients. Overuse of antibiotics...

  • Medication Safety

    All drugs are inherently dangerous. In critical care we give large numbers of particularly dangerous drugs to very sick people, who have little physiological reserve to cope with additional problems. When patients are admitted to or transferred out of critical care we have to transfer complex information about patients’ medications. The staff prescribing...

  • Agenda

    April 7-9 12th Emirates Critical Care Conference 2016 (ECCC 2016)  Dubai, UAE eccc-dubai.com 14-15 17th Annual Symposium on Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis Dublin, Ireland nataonline.com 14-16 German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care...

  • Frailty in the Critically Ill Patient

    This review explores current definitions of frailty, methods available to diagnose it, and its application to perioperative and critically ill patients. Frailty is increasingly recognised as a potential contributor to patient outcome during an episode of critical illness. However, there is currently no consensus definition or assessment tool....

  • Antimicrobial Copper Touch Surfaces: Reduce Infections, Liberate Resources and Cut Costs

    The role of the environment in the transmission of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) is increasingly recognised, requiring a new approach to the selection of materials for objects frequently touched by healthcare workers, patients and visitors that can serve as reservoirs of infection. There are many technologies and materials on the market,...

  • Publiometrics

    The significance of research or researchers is frequently discussed and debated, so also in the medical research field. Why do we publish? This straightforward question is often difficult to answer, at least in a simple way. As a starter we can list some reasons: We wish to make a difference for the outcome of our patients; We have an obligation...

  • Don't Forget to Ask! The Patient and Relative Perspective

    There has been good progress in the last decade to ensure that the patient voice is heard at all levels, including in research and service planning. However there is still more to be done, and this article sets out the case for meaningful intensive care patient and relative involvement and how this can be achieved. Why Involve Former Intensive...

  • Lung Protective Ventilation - Twinstream® Pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (P-BLV)

    The Twinstream® ventilator (Carl Reiner GMBH, Vienna, Austria) is an electricdriven microprocessor-controlled jet ventilator, which allows simultaneous application of two different jet streams (low frequency and high frequency), resulting in a pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (p-BLV) mode. ICU Management & Practice spoke to Prof. Dr. Gerfried Zobel about...

  • ARDS Still Under-Recognised, Under-Treated

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) seems to be underrecognised, under-treated and associated with a high risk of mortality, according to the results of the ESICM LUNG-SAFE observational study, published in JAMA . Speaking to ICU Management & Practice, John G. Laffey , MD, MA, of the Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine,...

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