• Adult education for ICU management: a better way

    Frequently, formal education sessions crafted for medical professionals fall short in their ability to advance the competency of providers. There is a better way! It involves utilising knowledge from the adult education world and applying it to our critical care domain. A move to active teaching and learning strategies improves outcomes from the education....

  • Benefits of CRM education and simulation in intensive care and emergency medicine

    First developed in aviation, CRM education facilitates prevention of accidents in medicine. Beyond the improvement of technical skills, the simulation can provide to learners the capacity to work with other team members, to pay attention to the work environment and to manage physiological or psychological constraints in critical situations.  ...

  • New member welcomed to Editorial Board

    ICU Management and Practice Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jean-Louis Vincent is delighted to announce that Dr. Francesca Rubulotta has joined the Editorial Board. Dr. Rubulotta is Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Imperial College, Charing Cross and St Mary’s Hospital, NHS Trust London, UK. She qualified...

  • Supply purchasing for intensive care centres

    A purchasing portfolio for more effective and efficient (medical) supply purchasing This design study aims to develop a purchasing portfolio for a university hospital intensive care centre that enables the user to make strategic decisions about how to allocate scarce resources wisely across different purchase categories.   There is...

  • Reducing avoidable harm and death from sepsis and acute kidney injury

    Achieving large-scale behaviour change with the NHS Wales programme In 2016 NHS Wales received the Global Sepsis Award, recognising the work throughout the healthcare system on improving identification and treatment of sepsis, which has coincided with an apparent reduction in mortality and ICU admissions for patients with two International...

  • Implementation of early and structured rehabilitation in ICU

    The importance of multidisciplinary team working and communication Early mobility has been shown to be both safe and feasible within critical care populations. When introduced, early mobilisation programmes are associated with an improvement in short-term outcomes and long-term recovery in critical care patients. Despite this, point prevalence...

  • ICU Management & Practice 2017 Author Index

    By letter:   A B C D E F G H -I JK L M N O P -Q R S T -U V WX  YZ Issue    Pages Short URL Issue 1  1-64 https://iii.hm/96c Issue 2 65-128 https://iii.hm/axf Issue 3 129-200 https://iii.hm/dee Issue 4  201-264 https://iii.hm/fb5 ...

  • Education

    “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically” Martin Luther King Worldwide there is still much variation in type and duration of intensive care medicine training programmes (Amin et al. 2016). What is clear is that training programmes need to cover the ‘basics’ as well as adapt to accommodate new skills,...

  • Optimising nutrition for recovery after ICU

    Optimising nutrition and metabolism post-ICU for recovery of functional lean body mass and quality of life.   In-hospital mortality following intensive care unit (ICU) care has consistently declined in recent years (Kaukonen et al. 2014). However, these data reveal many of these ICU “survivors” are not returning home to functional lives after...

  • Ultrasound-guided mechanical ventilation

    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is now a tool used worldwide, integrating clinical assessment of the critically ill. In this review, we focus on lung, diaphragm and cardiac ultrasound in the management of the mechanically ventilated patient. Ultrasound provides useful information to assess and monitor lung aeration, to set mechanical ventilation...

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