Technology plays a big role in revolutionising healthcare management. As IT investment continues to grow, it will be good to know which software and tech trends are dominating the medical field.

Patient scheduling software, smartwatches that detect heart disease and marketing automation tools are among the major software and tech trends that are changing the medical profession, according to Avi Savar, CEO and Managing Partner of Dreamit, a top venture accelerator and early stage investment fund.

Patient Scheduling Software:
Patient scheduling tools optimise patient management. The best new software automates patient scheduling, sends appointment reminders to patients via SMS or email and optimises record keeping and billing. Unlike manual patient scheduling, everything is automated. With this new tool, medical practitioners reduce no-shows, save money and improve the level of service they provide to patients, Savar explains.

Smartwatches that Detect Heart Attacks:
A new smartwatch (iBeat) has been developed to prevent heart-related conditions. The device features tiny micro sensors that monitor a user's heart rate for symptoms of a heart attack or cardiac arrest. With these sensors, iBeat constantly monitors heart rate and notifies users and 911in the event of an emergency. It's water-resistant, comes with a touchscreen interface and has built-in GPS for location tracking. Another product, Apple Watch, offers a heart rate monitor and could predict heart attacks before they occur.  

Marketing Automation Software:
This makes the work of medical administrators a lot easier as everyday processes get automated, including data integration, patient monitoring, patient outreach, etc. The software gathers data from various sources and combines it all in one place. This lets medical professionals send targeted communications to patients something that could reduce patient churn significantly, Savar points out. Moreover, marketing automation provides healthcare professionals with real-time analytics about patients. Medical administrators can use this information to make important decisions and solve problems quickly.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Healthcare, Technology, HIT, healthcare management, Compassion in Action Healthcare Technology plays a big role in revolutionising healthcare management. As IT investment continues to grow, it will be good to know which software and tech trends are dominating the medical field.