• Women’s health remains an unfinished agenda—how do we reset the agenda?

    This question is taken from the descriptor for the panel discussion ‘Prioritising Women’s Health’ at the Health Care Summit taking place on the 10th of October 2017.   What is the state of women’s health?  Women’s health remains an unfinished agenda.  Health interventions and infrastructures are dominated by short term rather than long term objectives. ...

  • Sustainable access to affordable medicines: how can the multilateral trading system contribute?

    The 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the target of access to "safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all”, access to medicines long recognised as integral to achieving the right to health.  Yet the SDGs also stressed the need for coordination and cooperation -  emphasising the role of trade, partnership...

  • How to Tackle Diabetic Retinopathy in a Megalopolis like Mexico?

    Imagine travelling to Portugal or Cuba and that 100% of the population you see has diabetes! This sounds like a nightmare to me, and I would assume the same for you if you know the burden this disease represents for health systems. This science fiction scenario is no longer fiction in Mexico, we are one of the most affected countries in the world due to...

  • The essential Guide for Doing a Personal SWOT Analysis

    Improve Yourself and Your Healthcare Organisation One of the most basic lessons you learn in first year business school is the SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It's a great framework to apply to your business to understand what you do well, what you can improve on, and where the greatest threats to your organisation...

  • What Steps are Needed for Value Based Healthcare?

    Tremendous progress has been made in healthcare over the last forty years. However there are still three outstanding problems which are found in every health service no matter how they are structured and funded.   One of these problems is huge and unwarranted variation in access, quality, cost and outcome, and this reveals a further two:...

  • Medical Sectioning: The Challenges Ahead

    We interview Mark to draw out his knowledge, insight and predictions on the medical equipment industry at large, with a focus on sectioning. Mark Fenn, Director at Bright Instruments, has 38 years’ experience as an expert in the mechanical engineering field. His extensive time in the industry has seen him fulfil many exciting roles, including...

  • New Philips Technology to Empower Emergency Departments

    Philips innovation in advanced health technology is delivering next generation Minicare point-of-care-in-vitro diagnostics systems to help support improved clinical decision-making that will ultimately benefit physicians, patients and hospital systems.   Such devices can help deal with the biggest issue that emergency departments face on a dailybasis...

  • How to Ensure a Great ROI in Risk Investments

    Since the global crisis of 2008-2009, there has been a palpable and growing sense that the world is in the midst of fundamental economic and political change.   But, as is the nature of change, the only certainty we have is that there is a lot of uncertainty. Can we create enough jobs, and the right jobs? Is the financial sector working for society’s...

  • How do you perceive healthcare in America post the Affordable Care Act?

    Having served in the United States House of Representatives during the time the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was debated and passed in 2010, I remember quite vividly the many arguments that were presented by both sides. Supporters claimed costs would go down and quality would go up, while nearly every American would be covered. Opponents of the law claimed...

  • What Are the Keys to Attracting and Retaining Qualified Staff in Healthcare?

    For the CEO's of many organisations in the healthcare industry, attracting and retaining talent is the key strategic challenge, as discovered in a 2017 survey by Siemens Healthineers. Organisations face the dual challenge of how they should respond to the need for significant efficiency gains and simultaneously be an attractive employer in a...

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