• European Oncology Convention showcases the latest research

    On 6 & 7 June, 2018, London’s ExCeL will play host to the two most important days of the year for Europe’s leading oncology professionals.   Under one roof, the European Oncology Convention will showcase the latest research, innovations and techniques transforming the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancerous tumours.   Here’s five...

  • European Neuro Convention focusing on cutting-edge developments

    Thousands of the world’s leading neuro professionals will flock to London next month to discover the latest technology and trends within the field of neurology.   Running on the 6th & 7th of June at the ExCeL, the European Neuro Convention will put on an unparalleled lineup of seminars, suppliers and workshops devoted to the cutting-edge developments...

  • Cost Improvement Programmes should be more than just the money, money, money

    You might remember 1976. The summer was sweltering, Concorde took to the skies and Abba had a hit with ‘Money, Money, Money’ - the second success from their chart-topping album Arrival, which catapulted them to global stardom.   The arrival of Christmas last year illustrated how England’s National Health Service (NHS) is struggling...

  • How Healthcare Providers Can Help End the Over-Prescription of Opioids

    More than 115 Americans die every day from opioid overdose, according to the National Vital Statistics System. Prescription painkillers are at the root of this epidemic, and healthcare providers can help make a dent in these alarmingly fatal statistics. Opioid prescription rates In the 90s, doctors began prescribing opioids...

  • The potential of e-Health professions in the GCC region

    Due to the immense need to increase efficiency and improve both service quality and patient safety, digital transformation of the healthcare system has become an imperative and not an option. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, overall demand for healthcare is anticipated by McKinsey to increase by 240 percent over the next 20 years. However, the...

  • Bed Blocking and the role of STPs

    The healthcare challenges created by an ageing population are well documented. But with the NHS coming under ever increasing pressure to address bed blocking that is acknowledged to affect service provision across every hospital, the problems associated with elderly patients – especially with so many living alone – is fast becoming a priority. Yet...

  • How the opioid epidemic has impacted the healthcare system

    More than 115 Americans die from opioid overdoses daily, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The cost to deal with opioid drug abuse, including healthcare, lost productivity, criminal justice involvement and addiction treatment, has climbed to over $78 billion a year. To say this is a large problem would...

  • Healthcare Revolution in Africa through Public-Private Partnerships

    Over the last twenty years, Africa’s population has increased by 2.5% per year and by 2050, the population is expected to rise to about 2.4 billion, with some of the countries doubling or even tripling their numbers; making Africa the region with the largest population growth. This places the continent in a favourable position with a large proportion...

  • The small print of Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP)

    Beside the new European Medical Device Regulation (MDR), there is another major regulatory challenge for the current medical device industry - the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP). MDR came into force in early 2017, whereas MDSAP will become mandatory for all manufacturers who want to sell their medical devices in Canada in 2019 and...

  • The Listening Post: rewards of listening to our customers

    Good Health is something that all of us look forward to. Many a times we also take it for granted. Caring for our health is an intrinsic part of our daily lives. We watch what we eat, we exercise, we consume tonnes of advice on managing our health needs and we visit healthcare facilities when we believe we need expert care. When we engage with a healthcare...

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