Prof. Valentin Sinitsyn is Head of the Radiology Department in the Federal Center of Medicine and Rehabilitation and Head of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Moscow State University. HealthManagement was delighted to welcome Prof. Sinitsyn to the Editorial Board’s Imaging section in 2014.

We asked Prof. Sinitsyn our 7 questions:

1. What are your key areas of interest and research?
Cardiac radiology and informatics/computers in radiology. But now I am getting more and more interested in oncological radiology.

2. What are the major challenges in your field?
Research in cardiac imaging done by radiologists (I believe that so far we are still not as good as cardiologists in this area). But cooperation with them is very helpful, of course, and for the practice of cardiac radiology.

3. What is your top management tip?
My top management tip is to be a true leader for your staff - in the sense of knowledge, professionalism and efficiency  ("the leader leads and the boss drives").

4. What would you single out as a career highlight?
My career highlights are my position of President of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2014 and the invaluable experience that I have gained being a member of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) Director's Board and the ECR  Program Planning Committee. Also I was President of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR) in 2011-2014, which means a lot for me.

5. If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a…?
Probably I would have become a cardiologist or a researcher in the field of cellular biology. There are so many fascinating fields in science or medicine.

6. What are your personal interests outside of work?
Books, pets (cats and tropical fish) and travelling.

7. Your favourite quote?
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo da Vinci.

Prof. Sinitsyn graduated from Moscow Medical University and joined the Russian Cardiology Research Center in Moscow, where he was awarded his MD and PhD. He became Professor of Radiology at Moscow State University in 1999. In 2008 he became Head of the Radiology Center at the Federal Center of Medicine and Rehabilitation. In addition to serving the European Society of Radiology, he co-founded the European Society of Cardiac Imaging, is a Member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Society of Specialists of Radiology (RAR) and Past-President of the Russian National Congress of Radiology (2012). He also serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, Diagnostic Imaging Europe and Aunt Minnie Europe. He is a reviewer for Radiology and for three Russian radiological journals.

Prof. Sinitsyn is the author and co-author of more than 120 publications on cardiovascular and general radiology, magnetic resonance, contrast media, internet and computer applications. He is author/co-author of eight books on radiology in Russian, editor of Russian versions of two international textbooks on MRI and CT and co-authored a chapter in the Springer publication Cardiac Radiology, 2nd ed. 2008.  

In 2011 he was awarded Laureate of Russian Governmental Prize in Science and Education

Watch My Favourite Thing About the ECR


ECR 2014 opening ceremony

Sinitsyn V (2014) Radiologists in Russia. IMAGING Management, 13(1): 23,37.

Sinitsyn V (2010) Interview with Prof. Valentin E. Sinitsyn. Cardiology Management, 4(1): 26-7.

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