Search Tag: Zoom On
2018 14 Apr
Nurses leading through innovation The one thing I would change to improve our healthcare system won’t take magic —it’s achievable today. I would empower all direct care nurses as bedside leaders, innovators and catalysts for change. Why? Because empowering our clinicians at the front line of care results in better patient...Read more
2017 05 Apr
Zoom On Professor John B. West Professor John B. West is a renowned respiratory physiologist and researcher. He joined the faculty of the University of California San Diego in 1969, where he still teaches first-year medical students. He is author of Respiratory physiology - the essentials , which has been translated into many languages, and...Read more
2017 20 Mar
Cybersecurity expert, lecturer and contributor Dr. Mansur Hasib has been nominated for the 2017 Maryland Cybersecurity People's Choice Awards competition a Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. programme supported by PNC Bank and Point3 Security. Online voting is open to the public and concludes at 4pm EST on...Read more
2017 16 Feb
Editor-in-Chief Imaging, Professor of Radiology , University of Barcelona Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value Management Tip: Delegation! It is always worth investing time and resources in helping members of the department to be able to resolve...Read more
2017 16 Feb
Editor-in-Chief, ICU Management & Practice Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Brussels Our health is our most precious good and helping people whose health is damaged or at stake is the highest privilege on earth Management Tip: Make everybody happy… and make sure they...Read more
2017 16 Feb
Executive Director, Secretary-General of the European Association of Healthcare It Managers Don’t speed too fast as you might miss the crucial turn Career highlight: My latest appointment as Executive Director of HealthManagement; this will allow me to further drive quality...Read more
2016 16 Nov
Professor Rafael Beyar is General Director of Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, the major academic hospital serving northern Israel. He received his MD from Tel Aviv University (1977), his DSc from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion (1983), and his MPH from the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University...Read more
2016 13 Nov
President, Radiological Society of North America “Show respect for all individuals at all times, no matter what your personal feelings might be toward the person” Career highlight: I am particularly privileged to have mentored so many individuals from countries near and far who worked with our teams at the...Read more
2016 13 Nov
Pioneering Interventional Cardiologist Don’t undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible. Edwin Land Career highlight: The first non-surgical implantation of a prosthetic aortic heart valve, performed on April 16, 2002 with my team in Rouen after 10 years of research. It turned...Read more
2016 13 Nov
Programme Chair, Cybersecurity Technology ,UMUC, Author “Do not view your employees as expenses. Treat them like the assets they are and see how amazing they can be” "We should live our lives in such a manner that even strangers will mourn our death" Munirul Haque(my older brother) The full Zoom On interview with Mansur Hasib...Read more
2016 13 Nov
Video Game Healer “Listen to understand, not to reply. It helps much more in the long run” Career highlight: Starting my company, PlayBenefit. I did it because I saw the need to change, and I thought it was better to have someone take that road no matter how hard. The full Zoom On interview with Anna Sort and...Read more
2016 10 Oct
Zoom On Richard L. Baron, past-president, Radiological Society of North America, 2016 Richard L. Baron, MD, FACR, was president of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Board of Directors (2016). As RSNA president, Dr. Baron’s priorities are to foster the development of new radiological innovations, and facilitate education into the...Read more
2016 20 Sep
Dr Marik is Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia. He received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and was an ICU attending at Baragwanath Hospital, in Soweto, South Africa. During this time he obtained a Master...Read more
2016 29 Aug
What are your key areas of interest and research/assignment? Lean management. New technologies, new regulations and new opportunities make very frequent changes to our daily tasks. In order to maintain and improve quality, it’s very important to keep monitoring and adapting all of the processes. What are the major challenges...Read more
2016 29 Aug
What are your key areas of interest and research/assignment? Every day, I put all my efforts into making patient care and patient quality of care more efficient, comfortable and safe. Since I’m not in direct contact with patients, I strive to fulfill this mission by providing healthcare professionals with innovative solutions that...Read more
2016 04 Jul
In her clinical role Ella Segaran works on the general / trauma ICU as the advanced critical care dietitian at St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London. She is passionate about clinical care, education and research and about raising the profile of nutrition in our patients. Ella says that she is lucky to have a full-time...Read more
2016 28 Jun
Prof. Massimo Antonelli is President of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. He took up office as President at the ESICM congress in Milan in October 2016. Dr. Antonelli has been Professor of Intensive Care and Anesthesiology at the “Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore” Rome Italy since November 1999. He serves as Director of the General...Read more
2016 23 Jun
1. What are your key areas of interest and research? Patient safety is the most important. The goal of medicine is to take care of our patients and to monitor them for the rest of their lives. What a pity if they develop radiation-induced pathologies or significant nephropathy through ignorance. Our patient dose management software...Read more
2016 02 Jun
Samuel Brown , MD, is Assistant Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and Medical Ethics and Humanities at the University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. He is also Director of the Center for Humanizing Critical Care and Assistant Director, Critical Care Echocardiography Service at Intermountain Medical Center...Read more
2016 23 May
Cardiologist Dr. Rolf Gomes founded Heart of Australia with the vision of bringing specialist cardiology services that people in the city take for granted to the people living in rural and remote Queensland. Heart of Australia is an Australian first, a custom-made mobile medical clinic which is fully equipped with specialist diagnostic equipment....Read more
2016 17 May
Karen A. McQuillan, MS, RN, CNS-BC, CCRN, CNRN, FAAN, is President of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). Karen received her Bachelors of Nursing and Masters of Science in Trauma/Critical Care Nursing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She has worked since 1987 as a Clinical Nurse Specialist at the R Adams Cowley Shock...Read more
2016 10 May
Professor Pedro Póvoa, MD, PhD is Associate Professor of Medicine at the Nova Medical School, New University of Lisbon in Portugal, and Coordinator of the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit, Hospital de São Francisco Xavier , CHLO in Lisbon. Prof. Póvoa is Associate Editor of Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva , and is a member of the editorial...Read more
2016 03 May
Sharon Einav, MSc, MD has chaired the subcommittee for Intensive Care Medicine at the European Society of Anaesthesiology since January 2014. She is Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, Director of Surgical Intensive Care and Chair of the Resuscitation Committee at Shaare Zedek Medical Center , Jerusalem,...Read more
2016 26 Apr
What are your key areas of interest and research? My major area of interest is to build a community set of tools to improve the interoperability of Health Information System What are the major challenges in your field? Sustainability of such a project project What is your top management...Read more
2016 26 Apr
Dr. Zeev Goldik became President of the European Society of Anaesthesiology in January 2016. Dr. Goldik is Head of Post Anaesthesia Care Unit at the Carmel Medical Centre in Haifa, Israel. He is Chairman of the Council for European Specialist Medical Assessment (CESMA) , and Past President of the Israel Society of Anaesthesiologists. 1. What...Read more
2016 12 Apr
Prof. Élie Azoulay, MD, PhD took up post in 2013 as Editor-in-Chief of Intensive Care Medicine , the official journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine . Dr. Azoulay is Professor of Medicine at Paris Diderot University , France, and Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Saint-Louis Teaching Hospital in Paris. 1....Read more