• With the URIS, the Moscow Health Care Department Has Laid the Foundations for Connected Care

    300 modalities, 1500 radiologists, 1500+ technicians, 10,000 referring physicians,  500,000 patients… Moscow’s Unified Radiological Information System (URIS) and its unified digital infrastructure have become a ‘one stop shop’ to access  patient imaging data across the megalopolis and beyond. And a core component  of URIS is the unified Enterprise...

  • Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Current Applications and Future Technologies

    An overview of the latest research regarding artificial intelligence in radiology and how these findings can transform the future of the field. Key Points AI disease detection can help radiologists identify pathologies using subtle features not visible to the human eye and help prioritise images with positive findings in the read queue....

  • Robots in Healthcare: Challenges of Integration

    With his main research belonging to marketing domain, Prof González-Jiménez’s academic interest in the last few years has expanded to applications of robotics in different sectors including healthcare. He talks with HealthManagement.org about the ‘human’ dimension of the robotics deployment in healthcare setting, covering issues such as perception...

  • The Importance of Technology and Novel Solutions in Healthcare

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm. In particular, the crisis has revealed different aspects of healthcare that need to change and improve. HealthManagement.org spoke to Sourabh Pagaria, Head of the Southern European business of Siemens Healthineers. He is also a thought leader on how Data, Artificial Intelligence and joint public-private...

  • Rethinking Critical Care - Use and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

    Why digitalisation of intensive care medicine means less rather than more data Intensive Care Medicine is generating an amount of data that is hardly analysable by humans. Digitalising and using artificial intelligence has to focus on providing less rather than more data. Introduction - AI in Intensive Care Medicine: Ghost or Glimmer...

  • 20 Lessons from 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on ICUs and critical care healthcare providers all across the globe. As of this week, 110 million people have been infected with the virus worldwide, and 2.4 million have died. Many of the infected patients need hospitalisation and admission to the ICU. A high percentage of severely ill patients with...

  • Radiomics in the Imaging of Brain Gliomas: Current Role and Future Perspectives

    Machine learning and radiomics may lead to personalised management and treatment of glioma patients, hopefully improving quality of life and survival. Key Points  In the past few years, multiple radiomics-based tools have been introduced in the field of neuro-oncology and in particular for imaging of brain gliomas. Radiogenomics...

  • On the Threats to Imaging…. Should We Be Worried?

    Key Points Imaging has been at the forefront of innumerable technical developments over  the last  two decades.  Radiology was the lead in developing CT and MR, and led the charge into the transition to digital in the ’00s. However, in recent years, imaging changed from being a profit centre to a cost centre, inpatient care was deemed...

  • Artificial Intelligence and Cardiology: Reaching New Frontiers

    Part of the new care delivery in cardiology is the use of artificial intelligence tools that are proving their utility in this evolving field. Electrocardiography has been considered an important diagnostic tool but also could have a role in the prediction of events. One important event to predict is atrial fibrillation due to its causal relationship...

  • Cover Story: Patient Transformers

    Today’s patient is armed, informed and fully engaged in their care delivery. How does this abundance of knowledge change hospital systems and care delivery? How much is the patient already a care consumer with choices - and is there such a thing as too much choice? What innovative ideas is the market offering to face these challenges?...

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