• Pain Monitoring and Management in Intensive Care Unit: A Narrative Review

      Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience. Among patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), severe untreated pain is associated with an increase in mortality, length of hospital stays and worsening in everyday quality of life after hospital discharge. Pain in critically ill patients is more difficult to monitor...

  • The Hazards of Monitoring – Alarm Fatigue in the ICU

    Alarm fatigue is a pressing clinical problem in our post-pandemic ICUs and can adversely impact patient outcomes. Its root causes can be classified by patient, device and organisation related. We believe it can be mitigated and we propose interventions through attention to policy, education and the creation of a meaningful culture of safety....

  • Dealing With Uncertainty in ICU Decision-Making: A Practical Guide

      When the stakes are high, and the path ahead is uncertain, the decisions made, especially if a patient continues to worsen, can be sources of self-torment and can haunt us for a long time. Our goal is to suggest ways to steer decision-making for intensivists in the face of uncertainty by proposing a clear, practical, stepwise approach through...

  • The Least Bad Decision: Crisis Standards of Care After the Pandemic

    COVID-19 was an emergency that lasted for years and left few regions of the world untouched. The pandemic shone a spotlight on both the strengths and weaknesses of our disaster planning. What worked, what did not, and how can we better plan for future emergencies?   The COVID-19 pandemic forced hospitals and health systems around the world...

  • Decision-Making in the PICU: Ethical Aspects in Paediatric Critical Patients

      This article highlights some particularities to be considered when making decisions in paediatric ICUs and the role of parents (or legal guardians) and the physician in the dilemma involved in paediatric decision-making.   In these times, an ill individual is believed to be an autonomous moral agent to make decisions regarding...

  • Patient and Family Partnerships in the ICU: History, Benefits, and Strategies for the Future

      The seamless integration of patient- and family-centred care in the critical care setting remains elusive. This review discusses the history and benefits of patient- and family-centred care, plus strategies for partnering with patients and families in the critical care setting.   Introduction Patient and family partnerships in the...

  • When Hospitals Shrink: Preventing Loss of Hospital Beds Through Effective Bed Management

      With an ageing population and more sophisticated treatments, hospitals must become more bed-efficient or risk contracting. Strategic management is needed since ineffective bed management can reduce bed availability.   Introduction There are multiple challenges for healthcare institutions in the coming decades. Important demographic changes...

  • Beyond the Monitors: Redefining Connection in Intensive Care Family Meetings

      Family dynamics in ICU meetings are complex and often affected by emotions, stress, and differing perspectives. Effective communication and collaboration amid family members and healthcare professionals are crucial for steering these dynamics, facilitating shared decision-making, and assuring the best feasible patient’s care .   Introduction...

  • Errors in Nursing Interventions in Critically Ill Patients: Less is More

      In the treatment of critically ill patients, evidence-based nursing practices are essential, highlighting the need for precision in procedural management. This discussion identifies nine common errors encountered in clinical practice.   Introduction Patient care is the essence of the nursing profession, focusing on the preservation, restoration,...

  • Upcoming Events/Congresses

      APRIL   24-27 12th EuroELSO Congress 2024 Krakow, Poland https://iii.hm/1pcp   25-26 20th Annual Critical Care Symposium Manchester, United Kingdom https://iii.hm/1pcq   25-26 13th Ultrasound In Acute Care 2024 Manchester, United Kingdom https://iii.hm/1pcr   25-27 Urgent Care Updates...

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