• Patient Monitoring

      Patient monitoring in the ICU is critical for providing high-quality medical care. Monitoring involves continuous surveillance of physiological parameters to assess patient condition and detect signs of deterioration promptly. This includes monitoring vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature; continuous...

  • Pain Monitoring and Management in Intensive Care Unit: A Narrative Review

      Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience. Among patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), severe untreated pain is associated with an increase in mortality, length of hospital stays and worsening in everyday quality of life after hospital discharge. Pain in critically ill patients is more difficult to monitor...

  • How and Why We Should Monitor Dyspnoea in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

      Dyspnoea is among the worst suffering that a human being can experience. Because mechanically ventilated patients are strongly exposed to high dyspnoea intensity, it is important that clinicians monitor dyspnoea in this population. Relieving dyspnoea in patients is a human right.   Suffocating, not getting enough air or the feeling...

  • The Hazards of Monitoring – Alarm Fatigue in the ICU

    Alarm fatigue is a pressing clinical problem in our post-pandemic ICUs and can adversely impact patient outcomes. Its root causes can be classified by patient, device and organisation related. We believe it can be mitigated and we propose interventions through attention to policy, education and the creation of a meaningful culture of safety....

  • Critical Care Monitoring: Time for Hospital-Wide Monitoring and Response Capabilities?

      Physiological monitoring has a rich 200-year history. In this article, the authors look into the components of an ideal monitoring system and highlight how advancements in modern technology could enable the development of an effective continuous monitoring and response system.   The continuous monitoring of patient vital signs is a required...

  • Technical Alarms During Continuous ECG Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit

      An analysis of technical alarms to guide hospital-based alarm management strategies and inform monitoring manufacturers on needed improvements to technical alarm algorithms used in bedside ECG monitors.    Introduction Hospital-based electrocardiographic (ECG) monitors are configured to alarm for a number of different types of arrhythmias,...

  • Mitral Systolic Anterior Motion: Beyond Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

      Haemodynamic instability and shock are a potential everyday challenge for intensivists and anaesthesiologists. Understanding the underlying cause is pivotal for an appropriate and successful treatment. Systolic motion of the anterior mitral valve leaflet towards the left ventricular outflow tract (SAM) is a possible insidious mechanism of low...

  • Taking Care of the Lung Donor: A Task For Every Hospital

      Every hospital can contribute to adequate lung donation. Learning and understanding the management of potential donors will allow them to receive proper care and be referred to save a life.   Introduction Organ transplants are, in many cases, the only therapeutic option for patients with terminal diseases in different organs (Westphal...

  • Evidence of Ultrasonographic Monitoring in the ICU Patient

      Ultrasound serves as a tool to enhance diagnostic precision for decision-making in life-threatening situations in the ICU. This article will delve into the evidence of ultrasound monitoring across different scenarios.   Introduction In the contemporary landscape of medical diagnostics, ultrasonography stands out as a pivotal...

  • Intravenous Landiolol: Rate Control in Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias in Patients with LVD

    Athina Nasoufidou Second Department of Cardiology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Hippokration General Hospital Thessaloniki, Greece     A systematic review investigating landiolol's efficacy in non-septic or post-operated SVT patients with concomitant left ventricular dysfunction.   Managing Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias...

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