• Pain Management Specificities in Critically Ill Patients With Obesity

    In patients with obesity, standard, non-weight-based dosing, or weight-based dosing using either ideal body weight or adjusted body weight, is appropriate to limit the risk of overdosing. The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide (Schetz et al. 2019). This trend is confirmed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where patients with obesity...

  • Analgesia, Sedation and Neuromuscular Blockade in Critically Ill Patients

    A Practical Approach for Intensivists A practical approach to analgesia, sedation and neuromuscular blockade of critically ill patients and a discussion on potential benefits, adverse effects and current professional international recommendations. Introduction Patients hospitalised in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are naturally prone to...

  • Delirium: How Can We Protect Our Patients? Detection and Treatment Strategies

    In this article, the authors aim to summarise the current management of delirium, emphasising new publications and possible new studies that will shed light on delirium management strategy. Introduction According to an updated nomenclature of delirium after an interdisciplinary panel of experts from ten medical societies (Slooter et al....

  • Pain Assessment in Critical Illness

    This narrative paper reports the practical assessment of pain in critically ill (ICU) patients, based on current evidence and guidelines. Introduction Pain is one of the top stressful symptoms experienced by critically ill patients hospitalised in intensive care units (ICU) (Chanques et al. 2015). This is because critical pathologies...

  • Nutrition Monitoring and Patient Data Management Systems

    An overview of nutritional targets and their impact on critically ill patients and the need to use a systematic approach to nutritional support for optimal patient outcomes. Critically ill patients are often hypermetabolic and catabolic and are at a higher risk of underfeeding. Nutritional support for these patients can prevent energy...

  • Upcoming events/courses/congresses

    JUNE 1-3  ERAS 2022 – World Congress Madrid, Spain https://iii.hm/1eh0 4-6  Euroanaesthesia 2022 Milan, Italy https://iii.hm/1eh5 4-7  45th Annual Conference on Shock Toronto, Canada https://iii.hm/1exk 14-16  40th Vicenza Course on AKI&CRRT Vicenza, Italy / Hybrid https://iii.hm/1exl...

  • Pain Management in the ICU

    Effective pain relief is one of the most important priorities in the ICU. Join our panellists as they discuss different aspects of pain management in critically ill patients and the use and effects of analgesia and sedation in the ICU. Moderator Jean-Louis Vincent (MODERATOR) Editor-in-Chief ICU Management & Practice Professor Department...

  • Pain Management in Paediatric Critical Care

    An overview of the main treatment options currently available in paediatric critical care setting. Critically ill paediatric patients often suffer from pain secondary to trauma, complex medical procedures, invasive testing monitoring devices and illness-induced discomfort. Although the gold standard for assessing patient comfort is self-report,...

  • Ten Overlooked Mistakes During Early Mobilisation in the Intensive Care Unit

    An overview of the most common mistakes in decision making and the practice of early mobilisation in the intensive care unit. Introduction Early mobilisation (EM) is a therapeutic strategy implemented to avoid and overcome impairments developed due to critical illness and ICU stay. Several benefits have been described throughout the...

  • Perioperative Haemodynamic Optimisation of the High-Risk Surgical Patient

    An overview of evidence supporting perioperative haemodynamic optimisation in high-risk surgery patients and strategies to facilitate its implementation and adoption to improve patient outcomes. A million surgical procedures performed every year worldwide are at risk of complications that can be attributed to the nature of the surgery and/or...

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