• Effective Workforce Transformation

    The most important asset for healthcare is healthcare workers. However, this sector faces significant challenges regarding this valuable resource, which have been further exacerbated because of the pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, there will be a  shortfall of 15 million healthcare workers by 2030 . Clearly, the future...

  • Interprofessional Competence Acquisition in Times of VUCA

    Restrictions on educational offers in person and in the practical environment due to infection and other factors such as the current effects of war in Europe, the increasing shortage of skilled workers and ever shorter length of stay in the job, increasingly complex task profiles requiring a different approach of management in the healthcare system...

  • Reducing Burnout by Building Resilient Systems

    Frontline clinicians are emotionally exhausted, mentally fatigued, and pessimistic about the future, often due to the complex, inefficient environments they work in each day. Solving this requires a systems-based approach to creating highly reliable systems in healthcare. One good place to begin is by making it easier for the frontline to know what...

  • The Shortage of Health Professionals Worldwide – A Modern Human Resources Management Challenge

    During the last 40 years, a significant global shortage in the number of health professionals of all specialties (physicians, general practitioners, nurses, laboratory technicians) has been recorded in absolute and relative figures. Given the growing demand for consumption of health services, this shortage has a serious impact on the very functioning...

  • Increasing Care Demand and Growing Workforce Shortage

    Healthcare staff shortages are a growing global issue. At the same time, ageing populations and an increasing burden of chronic diseases are driving up demand for healthcare. The gap between rising demand and a shortage of healthcare workers is looming. HealthManagement.org spoke to Sourabh Pagaria, Executive Vice President & Managing Director of...

  • The Exposure to Ionising Radiation in Territorial Medicine: The Need to Act to Reduce the Risks

    Given the proven increase in exposure to ionising radiation by over 600% (diagnostic bulimia) it would not only be wise but also necessary to reduce the unjustified radiation risk due to inappropriate diagnostic investigations, by the following sustainable measure - revise the diagnostic reference levels for CT, interventional and paediatric...

  • How EHR Interoperability Can Facilitate Successful Clinical Trials

    An overview of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and how EHR tools could mark a new era in healthcare interoperability and be a valuable source of patient data for clinical trials. Key Points Clinical data exchange is crucial for patient treatment and clinical trials. EHR tools that communicate without barriers could mark a new era in healthcare...

  • Pancreatic Stone Protein Biomarker for Sepsis, Antimicrobial Resistance and Nosocomial Infections

    The problem of antimicrobial resistance and the use of a clinical decision score and point-of-care testing biomarkers, such as CRP and PSP, to help solve this problem.  Introduction  Infectious diseases are a public health issue around the world, with bacterial, viral, parasitic, or fungal-related diseases responsible for 26% of mortality...

  • Improving Clinical Outcomes With Early Enteral Nutrition

    An overview of the benefits of early enteral nutrition, clinical evidence and recommendations, reasons for delayed enteral feeding in critically ill patients and optimal solutions. Early enteral nutrition is proven to improve clinical outcomes and reduce acute care costs. Nutrition clinicians support the belief that enteral nutrition is...

  • Short Acting Beta-Blockers in Critically Ill Patients With Heart Failure

    An overview of the clinical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of landiolol for the treatment of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter with heart failure and effective heart rate control during arrhythmias.   Supraventricular arrhythmias (SVTs) are common in post-operative and cardiac ICUs. SVTs increase the risk of death...

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