• Prevention

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Editor-in-Chief ICU Management Head Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital / Free University of Brussels Brussels, Belgium [email protected] The intensive care unit is one of the most expensive parts of the hospital to run. While no intensivist would like to ration intensive care, there are possibilities for...

  • CPR Instruction from Emergency Call Handlers Increases Child Survival

    Children who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are more likely to survive and have good brain function if call handlers/ dispatchers instruct bystanders on CPR, according to a large Japanese study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.   “Dispatcher-assisted bystander CPR increased bystander CPR delivery rate and was...

  • Not Enough Kidney Patients Receive Home Dialysis, Says Australian Study

    Many kidney failure patients in Australia who could benefit from undergoing dialysis at home are being treated in hospitals and dialysis units, according to a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). This is creating significant costs for healthcare providers and causing unnecessary disruptions to patients'...

  • Depression Hits More than One in Three Critical Illness Survivors

    Depression affects more than one out of three survivors of critical illness, according to one of the largest studies to investigate the mental health and functional outcomes of critical care survivors, published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.   With around 5 million patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) in the United States alone,...

  • Challenges in Paediatric Imaging: Maximising Dose Efficiency

    The importance of minimising radiation dose to paediatric patients while maintaining image quality has come to the fore in recent years. Children and infants have a range of body types. Their organs and bones are still growing and are therefore more sensitive to ionizing radiation. Their long expected lifespan also requires close attention to...

  • Monitoring Equipment to Reduce Energy Consumption in Hospitals:

    Ongoing Research by the Low Energy Hospital Project Authors: Tarald Rohde cand.oecon SINTEF Robert Martinez Norconsult [email protected]   The Low Energy Hospital research project started in 2010 and will end in April 2014. It is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and public and...

  • The Italian Association of Hospital Medical Directors (ANMDO)

    Authors: C. Del Giudice Vice President A. Scarmozzino Piemonte Regional President G. Finzi President K. Kob Secretary of the Board UL Aparo Scientific Secretary ANMDO – National Association of Hospitals Medical Directors   The Italian National Association of...

  • Politics, Economics and Technology in Healthcare :ANMDO Scientific Activity Report 2013

    Authors: Ugo Luigi Aparo Scientific Secretary Gianfranco Finzi President ANMDO – National Association of Hospital Medical Directors   The National Congress is the main scientific event of the Italian National Association of Hospital Medical Directors. Last year the 39th ANMDO national congress was...

  • Faire Face à Nos Défis

    Les hôpitaux en Europe font face à des défis considérables. Chaque pays est confronté au même problème: comment assurer la qualité et l'efficacité des soins malgré des conditions souvent extrêmement difficiles.   La crise économique et financière est loin d’être finie et ses effets se font bien sentir. L’évolution démographique est...

  • La 43e Assemblée Générale De L'AEDH Le 28 Novembre 2013 Au Luxembourg

    La 43 ème Assemblée générale de l'AEDH a eu lieu dans la matinée de la première journée du congrès de Luxembourg. Le président Heinz Kölking a accueilli les délégations et a débuté par le rapport des activités 2012-2013.   En évoquant les activités de l’an passé, le président souligna l’importance de la directive européenne relative...

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