• Prevention of Perioperative Complications: “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

    Authors Yuda Sutherasan , MD Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics University of Genoa, IRCCS San Martino –IST Genoa, Italy Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand R aquel Rodríguez-González , PhD R esearch Unit, Hospital Universitario Dr. Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,...

  • A Glance at Intensive Care Medicine in Chile

    Author Sebasti á n Ugarte, MD President of the Pan American and Iberian Federation of Critical Care Medicine (FEPIMCTI) Head of the Critical Care Service, Indisa Clinic Professor of Intensive Medicine University Andrés Bello Santiago, Chile   Chile is located in the south-western tip of South America, has...

  • European Society of Intensive Care Medicine: President-Elect Professor Daniel de Backer

    Interview Prof. Daniel De Backer President-Elect, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine   Professor Daniel De Backer is President-Elect of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and takes up his role as President in October 2014. He is Professor in the Intensive Care Department at Erasme University Hospital in Brussels,...

  • Bleeding, Coagulopathy and Blood Products in Major Trauma

    Authors Lieutenant Colonel Michael C. Reade, MBBS, MPH DPhil FANZCA FCICM Intensivist & Australian Defence Force Professor of Military Medicine and Surgery Burns, Trauma and Critical Care Research Centre, University of Queensland and Joint Health Command, Australian Defence Force, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [email protected]...

  • Renal Replacement Therapy

    Adequate Dialysis in the ICU - A Multidimensional Aspect Authors Zaccaria Ricci , MD Staff, Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS Rome, Italy [email protected]   Gianluca Villa , MD Staff, Department of...

  • Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Life Support: The Experience With ECMO in Chile

    Authors Sebastián Ugarte , MD President of the Pan American and Iberian Federation of Critical Care Medicine (FEPIMCTI) Director of the Critical Care Service, Indisa Clinic Professor of Intensive Medicine University Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile   Juan Espinoza , MD Director of the Surgical Critical Care...

  • PVI and SpHb Studies Presented at ESA 2014

    Two Randomized Trials Presented at the Euroanaesthesia 2014 Congress Show Similar Fluid Administration and Risk Profile with PVI as with Invasive or Complicated Procedures Two Additional Studies Presented on Noninvasive SpHb in Postpartum Hemorrhage Detection and Oral Surgery   Four new clinical studies evaluating Masimo noninvasive patient...

  • MicroVision Medical Launches Instant Microcirculation Analysis at the Bedside:

    A New Tool to Quantify the Microcirculatory Effects of (fluid) Resuscitation   Ever since the introduction of microcirculatory monitoring at the bedside, physicians and clinical investigators have had one wish: to instantly have an analysis of the microcirculation at the bedside.(1)   The fourth generation of MicroVision Medical’s...

  • Family Presence on ICU Work Rounds

    Good communication is essential for optimal patient and family outcomes and to align treatments with the patient’s goals and preferences. Unfortunately, substantial evidence suggests that ICU clinicians are not meeting family expectations for good or even adequate communication during an ICU stay. Two studies indicate that a third to nearly half...

  • Assessing and Improving Communication and Patient Handovers in the ICU

    Authors Paul Barach , MD, MPH Guest Professor University of Oslo, Norway Gautham K. Suresh , MD, MS Associate Professor of Pediatrics a nd Community & Family Medicine Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, New Hampshire...

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