• Current Status of Breast Imaging in India

    Author Dr. Smriti Hari Additional Professor, Department of Radiology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India [email protected]   Dr. C. S. Pant Radiologist Col Pant's Imaging Centre New Delhi, India   Breast Cancer Incidence, Mortality And Trends in India In...

  • EUSOBI Increasing Participation From Europe And Beyond

    Prof. Francesco Sardanelli University of Milan, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan, Italy President, European Society of Breast Imaging Director, European Network for the Assessment of Imaging in Medicine Prof. Sardanelli,...

  • Obesity: Causes, Consequences and Patient-Centred Therapeutic Approaches

    Authors Dr Andrea Pucci 1 ,2 1. Centre for Obesity Research, Rayne Institute, Department of Medicine University College London London, UK Dr  Sean Manning 1 ,2,3 2. UCLH Centre for Weight Loss, Metabolic and Endocrine Surgery, University College London Hospitals London, UK Dr  Rachel...

  • EUROSON Preview

    Interviewee Prof. Dr. med. Christoph F. Dietrich President, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2013-2015 Chief Physician, Medical Clinic 2 Caritas Hospital Bad Mergentheim, Germany Interviewed By Claire Pillar Managing Editor, HealthManagement The European Federation of Societies...

  • News

    Danish Project Wins First TMC Radiology Quality Award   A group from the Diagnostic Centre, University Clinic of Innovative Patient Pathways at the Regional Hospital Silkeborg in Denmark has won the inaugural TMC Radiology Quality Award with their project on Plastic Organic Groups. This is a work method for fast quality improvements in daily...

  • News

    Genome Sequencing and the Potential to Personalise the Treatment of Individual MRSA Infections The spread of the antibiotic-resistant pathogen MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) remains a concerning public health problem, especially among doctors trying to determine appropriate treatment options for infected patients. Bacterial pathogens,...

  • Arab Paediatric Medical Congress

    Children’s health is one of the most important areas in the healthcare industry, and it receives an important focus from government to enhance quality care for children in the region. Government’s concerted dedication is manifested through establishing leading health facilities, attracting the most qualified healthcare workers and promoting awareness...

  • IFCC World Lab Preview

    Hosted by the Turkish Biochemical Society, the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine will be welcoming delegates from around the world to the new Istanbul Congress Center (ICC) from 22-26 June, 2014. The congress will provide a cuttingedge educational and scientific experience, focusing on the latest developments...

  • Defining the Value of Child Life Specialists in Paediatric Healthcare Settings

    Authors: Mary E. Tyson, MS, CCLS Manager, Clinical Strategy, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, USA [email protected] Johan G. Blickman, MD, PhD, FACR, FAAP Professor and Vice Chairman Department of Imaging Sciences University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, USA HealthManagement Editorial Board...

  • IT Security and Privacy in Healthcare – The Need for Qualified Professionals

    Author: Tim Williams International Healthcare Security and Privacy Consultant & (ISC)2 Volunteer Global Healthcare Trends Delivery of healthcare is extremely reliant on skilled and motivated people. Patients' natural need for human contact means that people, not machines, will always play the primary role in healthcare....

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