• Geriatrics In Turkey

    In 2013 the elderly population in Turkey was 7.7% of the total. Population projections predict a rise to 10.2% in 2023, 20.8% in 2050 and 27.7% in 2075. As at 2013 Turkey already had one of the highest proportion of elderly according to the United Nation’s definition of 60+ (TUIK 2014).   In addition, the elderly population has the highest level...

  • TeleCardiology: Results of a Highly Successful Service in The Netherlands

    Telemedicine Telemedicine is the delivery of healthcare and sharing of medical knowledge by use of information and communication technology (ICT), enabling caregivers and caretakers to work together independently of place and time for the purpose of consultation, examinations or medical procedures, and education (Strode et al. 1999). Telemedicine...

  • Interoperability Standards for Medical Device Integration in the OR

    The Digital Operating Room Advances in medical technology, specifically information technology (IT), in the last quarter of the 20th Century have produced extraordinary changes in the way medicine, and in particular surgery, is practised. These advances have not been without certain drawbacks and shortcomings, including escalating healthcare costs...

  • Real-Time Monitoring in Radiology

    In healthcare today control is mainly based on retrospective analysis of business data, usually financial key performance indicators (KPIs) or performance KPIs such as utilisation or number of examinations. Control is often misinterpreted as an instrument of scrutiny, a misconception that is particularly common in the german-speaking world. However,...

  • Controlling Patient Workflow in a Radiology Department

    For the purpose of protecting patient safety and upholding quality standards in hospitals and healthcare facilities, governments and authorities have been implementing stricter rules and healthcare regulations. In order to meet these requirements, hospitals face a pressing need to improve their organisational structure. This is one of the greatest...

  • Nuclear Medicine And Prostate Cancer

    What are the issues with imaging of prostate cancer when it comes to early detection, tracking and management? In recent years there has been a significant decrease in mortality, which is mainly due to early detection. However, early detection may lead to over diagnosis and overtreatment with resultant impact on the quality of life of men with...

  • Breast Imaging 2014: Finding a Partner for the Future

    The breast screening landscape is changing rapidly as providers seek to increase cancer detection and decrease screening recalls. Tomosynthesis is increasing its uptake in the USA, and breast density legislation is increasing awareness and use of breast ultrasound. KLAS Research surveyed providers on their choice of vendor currently and in the future,...

  • Dangerous Boobs Tour

    Breast density was a hot topic at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago in December. A new grassroots initiative, “Each One. Tell One.”, also known as the Dangerous Boobs Tour, made its debut through the sponsorship of SonoCiné AWBUS™, an Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound technology that provides a supplementary...

  • Breast MRI: The New Standard in Breast Imaging?

    Breast MRI is standard practice in all major breast imaging clinics worldwide. This is due to the unrivalled sensitivity of breast MRI, reported to be between 90 and 95% (Peters et al. 2008; Phi et al. 2014). Moreover, the three-dimensional nature of the examination allows a much better understanding of the spread of eventual disease throughout the...

  • Putting Quality and Safety for Patients First: ESR EuroSafe Imaging

    The demand for medical imaging examinations is constantly growing, and safety and qualit y in radiological practice are more important than ever. The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has taken a major step in raising awareness of the importance of radiation protection with the launch of EuroSafe Imaging at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR)...

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