• Radiology and Pathology and Finland and Estonia

    Sometimes insights, hitherto unperceived can be gleaned by finding points of connection between seemingly disparate pairs of organisations. The power of an apt metaphor can serve to transcend differences in focus and mission by bringing to the fore mutualities of concern and opportunity. In this regard, two small countries in Northeastern Europe—Finland...

  • Two Paths for Medical Device Approval: FDA vs. CE

    Several factors influence the length of time it takes for a medical device, particularly a new device, to reach its end user. One is the time it takes medical manufacturers to navigate regulatory demands, proving a device’s safety and effectiveness before it gets to market. In terms of these demands, companies routinely face one simple but weighty...

  • Competition in the UK National Health Service

    Has it Led to the Progress We Hoped For? Over the last two decades, successive policies have aimed to increase competition within the UK National Health Service (NHS) with the aim of improving outcomes and efficiency. This article reviews the successes and failures of these reforms, to assess whether the introduction of competition in the NHS has...

  • Practice Managers: Overlooked and Undernourished?

    General practice will not remain “the jewel in the crown of the National Health Service”, as it is often described, without change. Indeed, given the onslaught of criticism directed at this health sector by the media in recent times, it might appear that it has already lost much of its sparkle and will soon be neither fit for purpose nor sustainable....

  • Leadership in Healthcare: A Review of the Evidence

    The delivery of clinical care is based on careful research to determine the most effective way of providing care for patients. At the same time the UK National Health Service (NHS) spends huge amounts on leadership development without a clear understanding of what kind of leadership and leadership development has most impact on patient outcomes....

  • Ultrasound: Saving Time and Money with Workflow Automation

    Ultrasound is a popular modality, widely used in healthcare, and there are a host of vendors in the market. For their Ultrasound 2014: Saving Time and Money with Workflow Automation r eport K L AS Research interviewed 178 healthcare providers to find out their opinions on which ultrasound vendors deliver when it comes to providing best value...

  • Dr. Nicola Strickland

    Dr. Strickland is a consultant at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, UK, and is an esteemed member of HealthManagement’s Editorial Board. 1. What are your key areas of interest and research? Imaging information technology; chest and oncology imaging. 2. What are the major challenges in your field? • Lack of interoperability...

  • Prof. Hans Blickman

    Prof. Blickman is Vice Chair, Department of Imaging Sciences at the University of Rochester’s Medical Center and Radiologistin- Chief at the golisano Childrens Hospital in the USA. He is  a valued member of HealthManagement’s Editorial Board. 1. What are your key areas of interest and research? • Paediatric imaging: trauma, gastrointestinal,...

  • Singapore: Focus on Eldercare

    Singapore’s transformation from a low-income country to a rich, developed economy within a span of five decades is truly remarkable. The country’s GDP per capita of US$55,182.5 (World Bank 2015a) is currently among the highest in the world. This is in contrast to US$516 gDP per capita in 1965, the year Singapore became independent after seceding from...

  • ESGAR Preview

    A platform for personal and scientific exchange, the ESGAR Annual Meeting has become the largest and most prestigious gastrointestinal (gI) radiology meeting in Europe. With its high standard education and scientific programme it is the best place to learn about the latest advances in the fields of gastrointestional and abdominal radiology. The Annual...

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