• Does Technology Gap Cause Medical Errors?

    Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation of an information technology mess in the U.S. - whether nuclear weapons updated with floppy disks to needless deaths from medical errors, many of which are caused by preventable interoperability communication errors.   According to a report released to Congress, the Government Accountability...

  • U.S. Healthcare to be Trumped UP!

    (even more so than under Obamacare) Now approaching 20% of gross domestic product (GDP), healthcare is a crucial economic concern, while it remains politically tenuous. Americans are troubled as to what lies ahead under Trump, matched by despair as the Republicans seek to dismantle most of Obama’s healthcare achievements. U.S. healthcare faces...

  • Healthcare Executive Alliance: Insights For Healthcare Leadership

    Healthcare organizations do a phenomenal job. Today, an increasing number of diseases are treated successfully and people enjoy a better quality of life even into old age. Yet, while much is being done to discover new ways to improve patients' lives, we now see radical changes to structures, incentives, and processes within healthcare to sustain provision...

  • The Keys to Staying Competitive in Today’s Healthcare Market

    Aging Populations and Cuts in Public Healthcare Funding are Driving new Levels of Competitive Pressure  As global populations continue to age and governments continue to cut back on public healthcare funding, the ability to strengthen clinical capabilities, patient outcomes, and process efficiency is rapidly becoming the battleground on which...

  • Seven Innovation Strategies to Win Patients and Staff

    Healthcare service providers face significant challenges in attracting patients and retaining qualified staff. The most obvious way to outshine one’s competitors is to offer superior clinical capabilities, but such innovations can seem prohibitively expensive. Read about seven strategies that hospital systems can employ to advance their clinical capabilities,...

  • Lluís Donoso Bach

    Editor-in-Chief Imaging, HealthManagement.org Professor of Radiology , University of Barcelona Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value Management Tip: Delegation! It is always worth investing time and resources in helping members of the department to be able to resolve...

  • Tienush Rassaf

    Editor-in-Chief Cardiology, HealthManagement.org Department Head and Chair of Cardiology, Westgerman Heart and Vascular Center, University Hospital Essen Talk to your people Career Highlight:  Becoming Chair of Cardiology at the Westgerman Heart and Vascular Center at the University of Essen,...

  • Jean-Louis Vincent

    Editor-in-Chief, ICU Management & Practice Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of  Brussels Our health is our most precious good and helping people whose health is damaged or at stake is the highest privilege on earth Management Tip:   Make everybody happy… and make sure they...

  • Christian Marolt

    Executive Director, HealthManagement.org Secretary-General of the European Association of Healthcare It Managers Don’t speed too fast as you might miss the crucial turn Career highlight:   My latest appointment as Executive Director of HealthManagement; this will allow me to further drive quality...

  • Robotic Ultrasound Imaging: Improving Access to Care for Rural and Remote Populations

    What is the current situation for Canadians living in remote communities who need an ultrasound scan? Are there any mobile services, or are they expected to travel?   Approximately 20% of the Canadian population live in rural and remote communities with limited access to imaging due to lack of radiologists, technologists and infrastructure...

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