• Making Affordable Healthcare Profitable

    A win-win for the simultaneous involvement of both public and private funding in the provision of global healthcare.   In a casual suburb of Hyderabad, India, a growing family is struggling to cope with the main breadwinners’ gastrointestinal disorder. Help arrives from a new concept of day care where major endoscopic surgical procedures...

  • Presenting a Case: Financing IT Projects

      The relationship between finance and IT can be a delicate one that varies from hospital facility to hospital facility. We have entered a time where traditional IT cycles have shortened dramatically. The situation is even made more complex by a fast-changing landscape, consolidation of the market on one side and emerging technologies and swiftly-growing...

  • National Telehealth Can Save Money and Improve Health

    Since its introduction into the Danish healthcare landscape, telehealth has shown that it can lead to better outcomes and reduced costs. Hans Erik Henriksen, of Healthcare Denmark, writes about the difference telehealth has made to the senior population in recent years.   Over recent years, Denmark has conducted a  number of telehealth pilot...

  • Fraud in Healthcare: A Worldwide Concern

    The Global Health Care Anti-fraud Network (GHCAN) promotes partnerships and communications between international organisations in order to reduce and eliminate healthcare fraud around the world. HealthManagement spoke to representatives, Simon Peck (UK), and Leigh McKenna (USA) to find out more.   What is the range and scope of healthcare...

  • Finance Technology Blockchain in Healthcare IT Security

    Tech outfit Factom has just won a Gates Foundation grant to develop Blockchain use in healthcare security. The company speaks about its potential.   Blockchain, the Bitcoin technology, has been taking the Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) world by storm because of its capabilities to offer impregnable security and tackle the hacking threat....

  • Digital Health Hub at Your Service - If You Earn Citizen Trust

    The Digital Health Hub is a joint project of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund and The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The project goal is to facilitate the use of national data reserves and design of the one-stop shop for health and social care data.   The mention of data exploitation may sound scary, but at its best it can mean...

  • New Ultrasound Device Uses 3D Printing Technology

    Sharper medical images using a new US device combined with 3D printed lenses promise to make focused US treatment more accurate.    A new ultrasound device has been developed by scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NT U) that can generate sharper medical images with the use of 3D printed lenses. The precise images can help doctors...

  • 3D Printed Kidney Phantoms Will Optimise Radiation Dose

    How can affordable cost 3D printed kidney phantoms assist nuclear medicine treatment planning and radiation dose optimisation?   Please briefly describe your research on 3D kidney phantoms. Why did you set up this study and what were the main findings?   Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that uses radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis...

  • Preclinical Imaging in the Era of Personalised Medicine

    Identification of the genetic basis of the therapeutic response obtained in mice models is important for patient stratification in clinical trials. Technological advances in molecular imaging will have a large impact on personalised medicine, and make animal reduction and refinement possible during experimentation   In recent years, many advances...

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