• Value-Based Radiology: View from Europe

    What does value-based healthcare and value-based radiology mean to you as a Radiology Director?   Value–based healthcare as a whole is an issue beyond the radiology department. For the time being, in Germany, it is more of a general trend. The insurance and the reimbursement systems haven’t really implemented the value-based reimbursement of...

  • Value-Based Radiology: View from the United States

    As the United States moves to value-based healthcare, how should radiology concentrate on delivering better value, both at the individual and organisational level?   Radiology across the world is facing the same challenges.  There was a time, before digitised films, picture archive and communication systems (PACS) and computers to view the images,...

  • Meetbaar Beter: Value-Based Healthcare for Heart Patients

    Introduction   Meetbaar Beter (En: Measurably Better) is a doctor-driven and patient-focused initiative with strong scientific roots that aims to improve the transparency and quality of cardiovascular care in the Netherlands.   Meetbaar Beter has become an international best practice in the implementation of value-based healthcare (VBHC). The...

  • Value in Cardiology

    Is value in cardiology well understood?   When we consider value we are focused on improving quality and lowering costs. In cardiology we have a long history in the development and implementation of quality measures. The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has been a leader in the development of quality measures, practice guidelines and appropriate...

  • Scatter Radiation Exposure During Mobile X-Ray Examinations

    The main goal of this research was to quantify scatter radiation exposure from mobile x-ray examinations. The simulation consisted of reproducing the technical conditions for the chest anteroposterior (AP) examination in supine and semi-supine positions as well as for the abdomen tangential projection, using a full body anthropomorphic phantom and...

  • 3D printing - an interdisciplinary lab

    3D printing will most likely transform the medical field as it presents a multitude of new opportunities from visualisation of complex anatomy, building training models or templates for challenging procedures to patient-specific implants. A variety of disciplines work with 3D printing and various regular use cases have been identified. Since the late...

  • Does Technology Gap Cause Medical Errors?

    Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation of an information technology mess in the U.S. - whether nuclear weapons updated with floppy disks to needless deaths from medical errors, many of which are caused by preventable interoperability communication errors.   According to a report released to Congress, the Government Accountability...

  • Robotic Ultrasound Imaging: Improving Access to Care for Rural and Remote Populations

    What is the current situation for Canadians living in remote communities who need an ultrasound scan? Are there any mobile services, or are they expected to travel?   Approximately 20% of the Canadian population live in rural and remote communities with limited access to imaging due to lack of radiologists, technologists and infrastructure...

  • Samsung's Technology

    GM85: Moving digital X-ray with Samsung's technology Get your Quote  Samsung Electronics' newly launched GM85, a premium mobile digital radiography system, provides advanced mobility, maximized user convenience and a high image quality.   Its ultra-compact design with 555mm narrow width and 349kg lightweight allow easy access around...

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