• André Heinz

    Global Head of Human Resources – Siemens Healthineers Be passionate about what you stand for and humble in leading people. What would you single out as a career highlight? Besides the opportunity to contribute to the mission and development of Siemens Healthineers I am grateful for having worked as a hospital...

  • The TUBE Approach to Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound

    Anaesthetists working in perioperative medicine have increasingly taken a whole body approach to patient evaluation known as TUBE – Total Ultrasound Body Examination – thanks to the development of point-of-care ultrasound. Dr Christophe Aveline, Consultant Anaesthetist in critical care and surgery at the Sévigné Private hospital in Rennes, is an...

  • Challenging Paradigms: Practising at the Top of Your Licence

    Is a division of labour approach in which health professionals limit their practices to the top of their licence and training best for high-quality, patient-centred care?   The industrial revolution has come to healthcare. Old paradigms—from routine physicals to even the concept of the doctor as the captain of the ship—are being challenged...

  • Patients Mentoring Executives: Mutual Benefits

    Patient-centric healthcare has come strongly into focus in recent years. Efforts by healthcare organisations to be more patient-centred include a range of measures, such as patient councils and feedback sessions. Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, DC, which is part of Johns Hopkins Medicine, has pioneered patient mentoring of executives. HealthManagement...

  • Early Human Resources Involvement In M&A Essential For Success

    With Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) activity at a high in healthcare how can HR contribute to deals that work?   Human Resources (HR ) needs to be involved in M&A deals to increase deal success. Research shows early HR involvement is a critical success factor. Which role HR needs to play in M&A will be described around four critical responsibilities....

  • Great Leaders Embrace Conflict

    Are you seeing the potential benefits of conflict at work, or simply the pitfalls?   Chris was a brilliant and gifted practitioner. Well qualified. Hard working. Very experienced. Loved by everyone - clients and colleagues, as well as friends and family. Chris was very generous at work, always happy to lend a hand or be a trusted...

  • Workforce Planning – Can we Face the Future Without it?

    Workforce planning aims to creat a sustainable workforce that is centred around patient need, provides quality outcomes and is both deliverable and affordable.     The health sector in the UK employs almost 2.3 million people (Labour Force Survey 2016), and workforce spend accounts for an estimated 70% of the National Health...

  • Leading the Way: Cutting Edge Human Resources

    A Human Resources (HR) department that continuously looks at ways to foster satisfaction for personnel reaps the rewards of innovation and productivity. HealthManagement.org puts some top HR approaches in the spotlight.     Long gone are the days of a deep divide between management and personnel. Human Resources (HR ) practice...

  • How to Make Sense of Digital Chaos

    What it Takes to be a Leader in the Digital Age In a world of fierce competition, digital projects have become an omnipresent challenge. While 75% of all businesses will be digital businesses or preparing to become one by 2020, software will disrupt virtually all traditional industries. In the face of a global economy that is in a state of flux,...

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