Search Tag: trust

Executive Health Management

2019 26 Aug

An efficient mHealth network relies on patient data but provision of such data requires confidence that it is being sourced and used with integrity. spoke to three health data experts for their views on what healthcare can do to secure patient trust when it comes to accessing and using their data.   Jaana Sinipuro Project...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 22 Feb

Effective models of trust How can you incorporate the all-important ingredient of trust within your healthcare team? Once upon a time, it was possible for a doctor to hold most of what she needed to know to practice medicine within her own brain. This was long before Google and before medicine was carved up into specialties...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 Jan

Blockchain technology is touted as being potentially revolutionary, but what’s the view for the healthcare sector? Known for being an industry that’s slow to adopt and adapt to new tech, could there be any value in Blockchain for healthcare? spoke to four Blockchain experts for their views.  Kamales Lardi  Managing Partner ...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 Jan

Adoption of distributed ledger technology will benefit patients and providers Blockchain is more than just a technology that allows us to do what we already do better, faster and cheaper. This peer-to-peer new technology has the potential to create a more inclusive economy, where patients can benefit from health data ownership. One...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 Jan

Blockchain revolutionises data security, research and monetisation Blockchain can provide the backbone for a health data infrastructure that enables patients to control and benefit financially from their health data. The power of health data  The tsunami of personal data brought about by the digital revolution now extends far beyond...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 Jan

Incentivising patients with tokenomics of health data  A cryptocurrency that represents the value of health information can motivate individuals to make their health data shareable to those who are willing to pay for it. Tokens are well established in the context of Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. It’s a digital asset that...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 04 Jun

Follow STARS Syncope Trust on Social Media: Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 18 Jul

Cultivating a culture of respect and trust among staff is important to the success of an organisation. It can also be a big factor in improving patient care, as shown by the experience of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.      At NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, executives found that cultivating a “culture of respect” among staff meant simply listening...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 23 Aug

This spring, retired Director of Oral Health at Guangdong General Hospital in China, Chen Zhongwei, was attacked and killed by a patient he treated more 20 years earlier. The patient had claimed he was entitled to compensation for a discoloured tooth. He followed the dentist home and stabbed him over 30 times. Sadly, this story is not an uncommon...Read more