Search Tag: cost savings

Executive Health Management

2024 25 Aug

  High costs and significant inefficiencies characterise the US healthcare system. One proposed solution to address these issues is shifting care from traditional hospital settings to alternative sites such as ambulatory surgery centres (ASCs), urgent care centres, and even home-based care. This article examines the potential for cost savings and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 06 Jun

According to a new study published in the Strategic Management Journal, companies with Machiavellian CEOs have net savings of 6.6% on firm costs compared to those that do not. The study authors note that leaders with Machiavellian personalities tend to excel in stressful, uncertain and unstructured situations and have a high degree of face-to-face...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 03 Mar

Eliminating water from presurgical hand preparation and instead adopting exclusive use of alcohol-based hand scrub may save modern health care facilities millions in costs and potentially conserve water resources.   You may also like : Robots Cut C.difficile Transmissions   A new study ( Javitt et al. 2020 ) found that at a...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 May

It is not uncommon that healthcare management teams are heavily pressed for time. Why should they put AI solutions for their radiology department on their priority list? In this blog post, we propose 4 reasons why board members of hospitals and private clinics should put AI in radiology on their agenda and develop a strategy for incorporating AI solutions....Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 15 Apr

Patients entering the hospital can often benefit if they prepare their mind and body beforehand. This can be achieved through minor adjustments to diet or mental health and could result in patients going home sooner and saving both hospitals and insurance companies significant amount of money. See Also : Patient Engagement and Profit Improvement...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 09 Jun

The patient-centred care model benefits patients who become more empowered and receive better care. More than a trend, industry experts and policy advocates everywhere have touted it as the strategy that will fix the healthcare system once and for all, according to Richard Kimball Jr., a financial executive with deep proficiency in the healthcare industry...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 26 May

Focusing on ways of reducing power consumption through green energy production methods is one key way of reducing the bills for a fixed hospital cost. According to Becker’s Hospital Review, what used to fall under the category of expensive trend is now becoming a necessity as health facility operators seek ecological ways of economising, especially...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 04 May

The Pioneer Accountable Care Organisation (ACO) Model has helped curb increases in total Medicare expenditures of ACO-aligned beneficiaries, resulting in savings of about $385 million in its first two years of implementation, according to a study published online in JAMA . The Pioneer ACO Model was launched by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 12 Jan

More than 12 million Americans annually visit their doctors complaining of headaches. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston found that clinicians ordered advanced imaging tests and provided specialist referrals for their patients suffering from headaches instead of talking with them about the pain and advising them about lifestyle...Read more