Search Tag: Twitter
2022 24 Feb
Poznań University researchers (Poznań, Poland) recently examined the influence that COVID-19 tweets from scientific institutions, governmental authorities, and celebrities gained. This is also the first study that compares the reaction to tweets from a different group of opinion leaders. Twitter is a leading microblog platform with 275 million users...Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: spoke to Nick Adkins, founder of #pinksocks, a movement that began in healthcare and spreading like wildfire in all industries by activating people to connect by sharing each other’s stories with compassion and empathy to work together as one. What does it mean to be part of the pink socks tribe? ...Read more
2019 07 Aug
The influence of Social Media (SoMe) is significant, with over 2 billion users worldwide and over 70% of Americans participating online. Amongst the most popular SoMe platforms, Twitter seems to be the most popular in the field of cardiovascular medicine. A recent search in PubMed revealed 4,749 publications since 2008 which included the terms ‘SoMe...Read more
2019 28 May
Keeping 'an ear to the ground' through social media to follow and join in conversations regarding the impact and potential of AI in radiology applications is increasing gaining new 'followers'. In a study published in the Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, researchers present an overview of using Twitter to characterise public perspectives...Read more
2019 22 May
A starter’s guide for radiologists unfamiliar with Twitter to highlight benefits of active Twitter involvement and remove perceived barriers to active Twitter use The dominion of social media has transformed the way healthcare professionals and organisations connect with patients and interact with members and peers in the medical community....Read more
2018 24 Apr
New research investigated the informational and opinion trends within the popular microblog service of Twitter concerning the radiation exposure associated with screening mammography for breast cancer detection. The findings show Twitter users were not largely unfavourable toward mammography due to its projected radiation risks. The study is an article...Read more
2018 20 Feb
Opportunities and challenges Tips and pointers from FutureLearn trainer on optimal use of social media for crisis management, patient engagement and preventive healthcare. How important is it that healthcare engages in social media practice? What about social media is most challenging for healthcare organisations? In this era of information...Read more
2018 25 Jan
A r o u n d - u p o f o u r m o st c o ll a bo r a t i v e , i m p r es s i v e f o l l o w e r s. HealthManagement.o r g is p r oud to hold such a la r ge number of f oll o we r s on Twit t er. F...Read more
2017 22 Nov
This article describes the nature of FOAM (Free Open-Access Medical education), its strengths and weaknesses, and how it can be used effectively by critical care clinicians, educators, and students. “…and to teach them this art — if they desire to learn it — without fee and covenant.” — excerpt from the Hippocratic Oath FOAM, or ‘Free...Read more
2017 16 Feb
At, we use congress sessions as an opportunity to educate our Twitter followers. Twitter is more than just another social media platform. It enables users to transmit real-time information and it has changed how we receive and send out data. The internet has annihilated distances and places. We are in different countries...Read more
2016 11 Mar
If you haven't set foot in the wonderful world of Twitter yet, we recommend Getting started on Twitter , which Adrian Wong and Steve Mathieu wrote for ICU Management . As they rightly observed, "The days of writing notes at conferences (if you did in the first place) have also gone if the conference is well covered by avid Twitter users. Photos...Read more
2015 07 Dec
ICU Management @ICU_Management recently gained its 4000th follower (4,025 at time of writing). Thank you for following us, and we are pleased to follow and learn from all the amazing critical care Tweeters out there. Several members of ICU Management's Editorial Board are on Twitter. To make it easy for you to follow them, please see our list....Read more
2015 03 Nov
Twitter offers interesting and valuable insights into the experience of MRI patients, according to a new study analysing tweets related to MRI over the course of one month. While the social networking site Twitter is known for breaking news and celebrity tweets, it may also prove to be a valuable feedback tool for medical professionals looking to improve...Read more
2015 14 Oct
Many patients are willing to share and link their social media data with electronic medical record (EMR) data for research purposes, finds a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety . A databank that merges social media with EMR data may be able to provide insights about individuals’ health and health outcomes, according...Read more
2015 06 Sep
Mayo Clinic has partnered with Hootsuite to expand the healthcare group's social media education programme. Through this partnership, the two organisations will offer online and in-person educational tools to help healthcare professionals throughout the world learn how to connect with patients via different social media platforms, such as Facebook,...Read more
2015 16 Jun
Recently, a poster was unveiled at ASCO15 that demonstrated the interest in oncology in the social media - specifically Twitter. Hashtags were developed for specific types of cancer with the goal of stimulating and directing twitter conversations about these types in order provide information, boost patient education and stimulate advocacy....Read more
2015 20 Apr
Twitter can be a useful tool for hospitals, according to University of Arizona researchers who observed how asthma-related tweets, analysed alongside other data, can help predict asthma-related emergency room (ER) visits. The researchers created a model that was able to predict approximately how many asthma sufferers would visit the ER at a large...Read more
2015 30 Jan
The dynamic relationship between healthcare and social media may soon emphasise the ways in which social media tools track psychological measures of community health. A new study which appears in Psychological Science claims that emotional aspects of language used on Twitter can predict coronary heart disease “significantly better” than a standard...Read more
2015 14 Jan
In a pilot study into the impact of Twitter on conferences, researchers found that social media may impact on quality of presentations as speakers receive real-time feedback. The study of Twitter posts from a medical conference found that while the majority of tweets were accurate, some were not and misrepresented what the speaker had said. Indeed,...Read more
2014 01 Dec
The growth of social media for medical CPD has been astronomical over recent years. More and more healthcare professionals are taking to Twitter to share useful papers and educational resources. The emphasis on encouraging Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) is embedded throughout these interactions. We have no intention of reinventing the wheel...Read more