Search Tag: Twitter

IMAGING Management

2019 28 May

Keeping 'an ear to the ground' through social media to follow and join in conversations regarding the impact and potential of AI in radiology applications is increasing gaining new 'followers'. In a study published in the Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, researchers present an overview of using Twitter to characterise public perspectives...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 22 May

A starter’s guide for radiologists unfamiliar with Twitter to highlight benefits of active Twitter involvement and remove perceived barriers to active Twitter use The dominion of social media has transformed the way healthcare professionals and organisations connect with patients and interact with members and peers in the medical community....Read more

IMAGING Management

2018 24 Apr

New research investigated the informational and opinion trends within the popular microblog service of Twitter concerning the radiation exposure associated with screening mammography for breast cancer detection. The findings show Twitter users were not largely unfavourable toward mammography due to its projected radiation risks. The study is an article...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 03 Nov

Twitter offers interesting and valuable insights into the experience of MRI patients, according to a new study analysing tweets related to MRI over the course of one month. While the social networking site Twitter is known for breaking news and celebrity tweets, it may also prove to be a valuable feedback tool for medical professionals looking to improve...Read more