Search Tag: Research

ICU Management

2024 30 Apr

  The impact of trauma on global health is significant, resulting in millions of deaths and disabilities annually, with a particularly high toll on young people. However, the elderly are also increasingly affected. Variances in trauma-related death patterns worldwide are influenced by factors such as prompt treatment availability and the prevalence...Read more

ICU Management

2020 19 May

Prof. Maurizio Cecconi is the President-Elect of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). He is also the Head of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department at Istituto Clinico Humanitas and a full professor of Anaesthesia and ICU at the Humanitas University. Prof. Cecconi has worked in different healthcare systems, including the...Read more

ICU Management

2020 15 Jan

Integration of care, research and education in the intelligent intensive care unit. Patients admitted to the intensive care unit suffer from a variety of symptoms, pathologies, and comorbidities and are at risk of many adverse outcomes. Healthcare and technology for this vulnerable, heterogeneous patient group have immensely developed over...Read more

ICU Management

2017 16 Mar

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ICU Management

2016 27 Sep

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ICU Management

2016 27 Sep

Brazil is the largest country in South America, and ranks fifth in the  ‏list of the most populous countries, with a population of approximately ‏209 million people (84% urban). It is a large country with ‏many challenges that affect the healthcare sector, such as economic ‏inequalities, and the demographic transition with an ageing population ‏(>10%...Read more

ICU Management

2016 11 Mar

The Centre for Research in Intensive Care (CRIC) was established in 2015 to provide support and services for research into intensive care, intervention and treatment ( ). CRIC was established to maintain and improve the infrastructure obtained through the large trials conducted in Denmark, the Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock...Read more

ICU Management

2016 11 Mar

The significance of research or researchers is frequently discussed and debated, so also in the medical research field. Why do we publish? This straightforward question is often difficult to answer, at least in a simple way. As a starter we can list some reasons: We wish to make a difference for the outcome of our patients; We have an obligation...Read more

ICU Management

2015 20 Mar

Setting priorities for healthcare research involves a number of stakeholders, including patients and the public. Involving intensive care patients and families can be hard, but it can be done, and this was the theme of a talk by Stephen Brett (London, UK), speaking at the Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Symposium in Brussels this week.   In the...Read more

ICU Management

2014 05 Aug

There have been many questions surrounding the use of immune-modulating nutrients as to whether specific critically ill populations may benefit from it; whether the administration of multiple potential immunologic modulating agents would alter the individual effects of each agent; or whether enteral and parenteral administration may result in differential...Read more

ICU Management

2014 08 Jul

Sleep deprivation in intensive care patients is common, and may be associated with delirium. A UK study recently published in Anaesthesia set out to find out if implementing a bundle of non-pharmacological interventions, including environmental noise and light reduction, led to improved sleep and reduced incidence of delirium. The care bundle was based...Read more

ICU Management

2014 05 Jul

Haemodialysis patients at risk for deadly catheter-related infections experience fewer infections and 68 percent lower mortality when they received a low dose of antibiotic therapy, compared to the anticoagulant heparin. The study reporting these results by researchers at the Henry Ford Health System appears online in the Clinical Journal...Read more

ICU Management

2014 08 Jun

Clinical trials of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are slowed by current standards for estimating the disease’s progression to its end stages. Large sample sizes and long follow-up periods are required, making CKD one of the more difficult prominent public health problems to study in clinical trials. A new report suggests that changes to the way disease...Read more

ICU Management

2014 24 Mar

A recent study undertaken by an international team of academics and published in the academic journal PLOS Pathogens, has investigated the causes that turn localised infections into the life-threatening systematic disease sepsis, and has found genetic evidence pointing at one single bacteria as the cause. This is the first time that such as...Read more

ICU Management

2014 20 Mar

Comparing three treatment methods shows same survival rate According to a five-year clinical study named ProCESS, for Protocolised Care for Early Septic Shock, and published online on March 18, 2014, in the New England Journal of Medicine, the survival rate for patients with septic shock was the same regardless of whether they received treatment...Read more

ICU Management

2014 18 Mar

According to an Australian/New Zealand study, released early in JAMA to coincide with its presentation at the International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, it appears that during the years 2000 to 2012, a reduction in the risk of death for critically ill patients suffering from severe sepsis or septic shock was registered. This...Read more

ICU Management

2014 24 Feb

New research findings, published online in the February 19 edition of JAMA Psychiatry, show that delirium in older patients hospitalised for acute medical illness could be prevented with nightly administration of a melatonin agonist. A team of researchers led by Kotaro Hatta, MD, PhD, University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, conducted a multicenter,...Read more

ICU Management

2014 21 Feb

In a recent study published in the March edition of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, a team of researchers share their findings on the diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). With the aims of quantifying and characterising unjustified antimicrobial use for VAP as well as identifying risk factors associated...Read more

ICU Management

2014 31 Jan

Researchers of the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), have patented an innovative device able to minimise the risks associated to emergency tracheotomies and the time needed to perform planned tracheotomies. By combining mechanical and...Read more

ICU Management

2014 30 Jan

According to a new study, the largest of its kind, U.S. hospital intensive care units (ICUs) show uneven compliance with infection prevention policies. The findings are published in the February issue of the American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC),...Read more

ICU Management

2014 29 Jan

Based on the experience of close to 1,500 transplant donations registered in units in Spain and the United Kingdom, researchers at Spain’s University of Cordoba have developed a mathematical system capable of measuring compatibility between donors and the most serious receivers in liver transplants. Spain is considered the global transplant...Read more

ICU Management

2014 23 Jan

According to a study recently published in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, admistering statins to critically ill patients before they were admitted to hospital may help prevent delirium, a state of sudden, severe confusion. Lead author Valerie Page, Watford General Hospital in Watford, England,...Read more

ICU Management

2014 21 Jan

According to a new study, an innovative intensive care unit (ICU) algorithm could assist clinicians in their decision making when it comes to discharging patients from crowded ICUs, a new study shows. Researcher Ashok Palagiri, MD, an internist at Mercy Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri, who presented the findings at the Society of Critical...Read more

ICU Management

2014 17 Jan

New findings from the ECOST study underscore the economic benefits of Biotronik Home Monitoring for the French National Health Insurance system Biotronik  Home Monitoring significantly reduces the cost of follow-up in patients with implantable defibrillators (ICDs). New data from the ECOST (Effectiveness and Cost of ICD Follow-Up Schedule...Read more

ICU Management

2013 10 Dec

According to a recent study conducted by Dr. Craig Lilly, a professor at University of Massachusetts Medical School and Director of the eICU Program at UMass Memorial Medical Center, and published online in the journal CHEST, it was found that a virtual ICU, staffed by one specialist doctor and three critical care nurses at the service...Read more

ICU Management

2013 20 Nov

As stated in a recently published report by the national health policy institute NEHI entitled ‘Emerging Best Practices for Tele-ICU Care Nationally’, the use of tele-medicine in intensive care units is about to undergo significant transformation with emerging best practices driving scalability, diversity and competition and providing valuable precedents...Read more

ICU Management

2013 08 Oct

Critical care researchers need to think big, and think global, said John Marshall (Canada), in his keynote lecture at ESICM 2013.  Breakthroughs in the past were the result of quirky individuals who did a lot with very little. What of the future of research, now that low hanging fruit has been identified? Marshall noted that we are in an era...Read more