Search Tag: CAD
2019 28 May
Teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) can work hand-in-hand and align their respective potential to greatly impact healthcare delivery. The exponential development of high-speed telecommunications networks have opened the way for vast amounts of data to be transferred across the globe instantly. This provided the grounds for the emergence...Read more
2019 06 Feb
Executive Summary In this article to appear in HealthManagement the Journal on 22 February 2019, authors Jonas Teuwen , Nikita Moriakov and Ritse Mann present a review of some state-of-the-art applications of artificial intelligence ( AI ) on mammography and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ). While computer aided imaging is not...Read more
2017 27 Mar
Non-invasive imaging techniques are increasingly used in the evaluation of patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease (CAD). A new study comparing the prognostic value of all available non-invasive cardiac investigations has found that a negative test result for all modalities conveys an excellent prognosis for patients with suspected...Read more
2016 08 Mar
iCAD, Inc., a New Hampshire-based provider of advanced image analysis and workflow solutions for the early identification and treatment of cancer, announced an industry first tomosynthesis computer-aided detection (CAD) tool during the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) meeting in Vienna, Austria. The breakthrough technology employs the...Read more
2015 20 Oct
A new European randomised study ( DISCHARGE ) aims to determine whether computed tomography (CT) can replace cardiac catheterisation in evaluating patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Marc Dewey, Heisenberg Professor of Radiology at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, coordinates the study, taking place at 25 clinical...Read more
2015 04 Oct
In most patients who are referred for work-up of suspected or known coronary artery disease (CAD) by non-invasive cardiac imaging, one single imaging technique is often adequate, according to an article appearing in the journal Cor et Vasa , published by the Czech Society of Cardiology. For instance, MRI is able to provide information about morphology...Read more
2015 01 Oct
Computer-aided detection (CAD) in screening mammography is supposed to help radiologists identify subtle cancers that might otherwise be missed. However, analysis of results from a large Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium database of digital screening mammograms revealed that CAD was not associated with improved diagnostic accuracy. The study is...Read more
2014 02 Dec
Diabetic patients with even mild coronary artery disease (CAD) face the same relative risk for a heart attack or other major adverse heart events as diabetics with serious single-vessel obstructive disease, according to a new long-term study. Researchers reviewed data from the Coronary CT Angiography Evaluation For Clinical Outcomes: An International...Read more
2014 06 May
VuComp, Inc. will exhibit its new, automated breast density measurement technology, M-Vu Breast Density, at the American College of Radiology (ACR) 36th National Conference on Breast Cancer (NCBC) from May 8-10 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix. Clinical studies have shown that dense breasts can make breast cancer detection in a mammogram more...Read more
2014 11 Mar
VuCOMP, Inc. has announced the installation of both the M-Vu Breast Density and M-Vu CAD (Computer-Aided Detection) for Mammography throughout Baptist Health imaging centers in Jacksonville, Florida. VuCOMP’s Breast Density and CAD systems are designed to provide an unprecedented level of performance to help radiologists find breast cancer...Read more