Search Tag: CAD
2020 11 May
Summary: A radiologist working with COVID-19 patients in Russia looks at how technology has aided imaging-based diagnosis and what this could mean for future practice in grading disease severity. The pandemic of COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented challenge to modern global healthcare. Today everybody understands that diagnostic imaging...Read more
2020 09 Mar
Summary: Computer scientists in Pisa are developing Virtual Reality software that shows how 3D technology from dentistry can be applied to the imaging space. Virtual Reality (VR) is an increasingly applied technology in medicine and surgery. The possibility for the user to experience a totally immersive three-dimensional environment, together...Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: Cardiovascular disease prevention strategies in 2019 remain a major healthcare issue, requiring an individualised approach for diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. Introduction Since investigators from the Framingham Heart Study first confirmed the existence and importance of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in...Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: Nuclear cardiology is a promising field located between research, imaging, and patient care. Through close interdisciplinary cooperation, a variety of cardiovascular diseases (eg coronary artery, inflammatory and infiltrative cardiac diseases) can not only be investigated, but also efficiently treated in daily clinical routine. What...Read more