Transfusion apheresis machine Elutra® Cell Terumo Medical

Transfusion apheresis machine Elutra® Cell Terumo Medical
Elutra® Cell

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The device, Elutra Cell Separation System is used to separate cells, by a generalized method, into two groups of cell products: high purity and high yield. It was the first closed system to function efficiently and to offer reliability and convenience to the elutriation of monocyte enrichment. No pre processing or antibody addition is required for the functioning of the device. It has various options for cell depletion, enrichment and washing, leading many laboratories to choose this device for cell separation purposes. It reduces the risk of infection by making use of a tubing set that is closed, ready made and disposable. It facilitates the total monocyte enrichment straight from the leukapheresis products. It also makes the facilitation of the counter flow elutriation for the further enhancement. Through a semi automatic system, the enrichment procedure can also be customized. By making use of an easy to use interface, it reduces the risk of error in operation, directs and prompts the user for the next portion of collection via a system set up.
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2101 Cottontail Ln,
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