Catheter guidewire / vascular / hydrophilic 150 cm | Long Taper Glidewire® Terumo Medical

Catheter guidewire / vascular / hydrophilic 150 cm | Long Taper Glidewire® Terumo Medical
150 cm | Long Taper Glidewire®

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The Terumo Glidewire is equipped with a hydrophilic coating for smooth, rapid movement through tortuous vessels and crossability over difficult lesions. The Glidewire technology features a super-elastic nitinol core for optimal performance and a core-to-tip design that provides 1:1 torque ratio. It is resistant to kinks, allowing the device to maintain integrity and consistent reliablity through procedures. Tungsten in polyurethane jacket enhances radiopacity.
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2101 Cottontail Ln,
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