Traditional femoral stem / cementless TPS COREN ID STEM Corentec

Traditional femoral stem / cementless TPS COREN ID STEM Corentec

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Ti-plasma spray porous coating has been applied on the proximal part of the stem to promote bone ingrowth. The neck shape has been improved and the prosthetic ROM (P-ROM) has been expanded as well. 12/14 specifications have been applied on the head for its compatibility with existing ball heads. The proximally tapered geometry will convert the shear force into compressive load to normalize the proximal stress and distribute the stress applied on it. Also, to provide rotational stability, distal longitudinal groove has been applied on the proximal part.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Fixture type:";s:3:"val";s:10:"cementless";}}
12, Yeangsanhong 1-gil, lpjang-myeon Sebuk-gu, Cheonan-si,
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