Traditional femoral stem / cemented Corentec

Traditional femoral stem / cemented Corentec

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Minimized collar has been applied to centralize the stem and improve the pressurization toward the bone. In order to distribute the compressive load to the proximal part of the fever, polished and double tapered distal geometry has been applied. Also, to normalize proximal stress, proximally tapered geometry was applied to convert the shear force into compressive load. A proximal groove has been added to distribute the pressure on the cement. Anatomically, its neck angle is designed as 132 degrees to fit for the anatomical shape of the femur and the neck shape has been improved for a maximum prosthetic ROM. It uses 12/14 specifications for its compatibility with existing ball head and stem corners are applied with round corners to prevent cements from cracking. Also, for self-centering effect within the cement, centralizer has been inserted into the distal part of the stem.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Fixture type:";s:3:"val";s:8:"cemented";}}
12, Yeangsanhong 1-gil, lpjang-myeon Sebuk-gu, Cheonan-si,
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