Traditional femoral stem / cementless MODULUS Lima Corporate

Traditional femoral stem / cementless MODULUS Lima Corporate

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The MODULUS stem enables complex hip replacements to be treated simply, based on the concept that the anatomy should not have to adapt to the implant but rather the implant must adapt to the patient’s anatomical abnormality. The modularity of the implant offers the versatility required to create custom-made implants intra-operatively and restore biomechanical parameters, so as to achieve the best functional outcome for the patient, irregardless of the situation. The standard and lateralising modular metaphyseal necks come in a range of angles and lengths, offering the freedom to choose the best anteversion on retroversion, as well as the ideal offset whatever the length of the femoral implant. Based on the Wagner implant, the 5° finned stem taper ensures optimal fixation across a wide range of femoral morphologies.
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Via Nazionale, 52,
Villanova di San Daniele del Friuli (UD)
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