Stainless steel worktop CEABIS

Stainless steel worktop CEABIS

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CUPMOARD TABLE 18/10 AISI 304 stainless steel made with upstand, two sliding doors and inner shelf, proposed in the following sizes: CEATB01 cm. 100 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB02 cm. 110 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB03 cm. 120 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB04 cm. 150 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB05 cm. 180 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB06 cm. 200 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) SIMPLE WORKING TABLE 18/10 AISI 304 stainless steel made, proposed in the following sizes: CEATB16 cm. 100 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB17 cm. 120 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB18 cm. 150 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB19 cm. 180 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB20 cm. 200 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) WORKING TABLE WITH UPSTAND AND SHELF proposed in the following sizes: CEATB21 cm. 100 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB22 cm. 120 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB23 cm. 150 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB24 cm. 180 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground) CEATB25 cm. 200 x 60 h 85 (90 from ground)
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:22:"Other characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:15:"stainless steel";}}
Via Gb Brunelli 16,
Este (PD)
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