Spirometry software / medical Spirotrac Over-Read Vitalograph

Spirometry software / medical Spirotrac Over-Read Vitalograph
Spirotrac Over-Read

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Spirotrac Over-Read Spirometry QA Service is a custom solution designed to utilise locally appointed and devolved expert over-reading to ensure that the quality of spirometry performed in general practice and occupational health meets acceptable and agreed standards. This sophisticated system enables prompt identification of shortfalls in spirometry quality arising from poor test acceptability, deficiencies in device accuracy or calibration, inappropriate use of test protocols or training issues. Spirotrac Over-Read Software is standard however, the set of services, secure access, monthly reporting etc can all be customised to suit your needs.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:19:"Application domain:";s:3:"val";s:19:"spirometry, medical";}}
Rellinger Str. 64a,
20257 Hamburg
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