Cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical kit 24400, 24450 Vitalograph

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical kit 24400, 24450 Vitalograph
24400, 24450

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The Vitalograph Resuscitation & Suction outfit ensures that you are instantly ready with the right equipment to establish and maintain a patent airway in a respiratory arrest victim. This resuscitation outfit is for trained personnel who know how to clear and maintain an airway before using a ResusBag with mask to achieve ventilation in the victim. All the contents are ready for instant use and are displayed for simple selection. The robust case is brightly marked with a clear indication of the contents Case layout displays everything ready to use Single use or autoclaveable ResusBag Emergency aspirator Oropharyngeal airways, size 1, 2, 3 Robust Case
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Rellinger Str. 64a,
20257 Hamburg
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