Radiation therapy immobilizer / breast BreastSTEP™ Elekta

Radiation therapy immobilizer / breast BreastSTEP™ Elekta

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The company Elekta, known for their outstanding superior quality products, excels in terms of being reliable and durable features BreastSTEP™.It enables smooth and efficient yet quick patient positioning. It assures simple positioning and high comfort, guaranteeing a reproducible patient position all through the course of treatment while minimizing discomfort at the same time. Breast STEP has been developed for improving the precision of radiation therapy for upper abdomen, thorax and breast areas in a non-invasive and patient friendly manner. The medical equipment comprise of a base plate and upper plate, crafted from a low-density foam core, wrapped with thin fine layers of carbon fiber. This permits the beam to travel through BreastSTEP from any angle offering minimal attenuation. There is an index aperture to place head supports, wrist support, adjustable height arm, bottom stop which facilitates a very superficial customized patient positioning. This device can be adjusted and placed at four various upper heights, eight lower arm and 18 upper arm options that effortlessly support and position the arms in supine position above the head.
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Kungstensgatan 18,
SE-103 93
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