Brachytherapy afterloader Flexitron® Elekta

Brachytherapy afterloader Flexitron® Elekta

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Redesigning treatment delivery – Completely More logic, fewer variables. The Flexitron afterloading platform has optimized the treatment delivery process, based on an analysis of your workflow. With five simple yet ingenious features, we have created a new way of working, introducing a new standard in afterloading. The Flexitron afterloading platform supports the clinical team to work safely and efficiently, so you can be confident that execution of all steps in the workflow will proceed as planned. A safe investment for the future In our view, brachytherapy is a world of limitless horizons. The Flexitron afterloading platform, with its unique 21st century technology and design, will take you there. Flexitron’s architecture supports upgradability to future innovations. The Flexitron afterlaoding platform is state-of-the-art, and efficient from investment and training perspectives.
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Kungstensgatan 18,
SE-103 93
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