PSG amplifier / ECG / EMG / EEG Grael Compumedics Neuroscan

PSG amplifier / ECG / EMG / EEG Grael Compumedics Neuroscan

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Over 20 years of experience in designing PSG and EEG amplifiers, including the highly successful E-Series, has culminated in Grael – Compumedics’ most technologically advanced amplifier yet, and the worlds’s first High Definition PSG amplifier. Even though this amplifier was originally designed for clinical labs, this amplifier is very well suited for EEG and ERP research. With 32 channels for EEG, 8 bipolar inputs and 8 High Level Inputs, this amplifier can be used in a wide range of applications. From standard ERP research to more advanced recordings where additional parameters such as EMG, ECG etc. are required.
  • Number of channels:32-channel
  • Amplified signal:PSG
Josef-Schuttler-Strasse 2,
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