Management software / EEG Access SDK Compumedics Neuroscan

Management software / EEG Access SDK Compumedics Neuroscan
Access SDK

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Researchers using Compumedics Neuroscan prod­ucts have always pushed the bound­aries of science and tech­nol­ogy, and we have always supported their efforts. Our new SDK (Soft­ware Devel­op­ers Kit) offers a completely new level of access. Advanced users now have the abil­ity to directly access the ampli­fier data stream to obtain phys­i­o­log­i­cal data in a format that inter­acts with custom soft­ware you design and control. With Access SDK we offer the option to obtain the data you need with­out requir­ing the addi­tional expense of our SCAN, CURRY, or ProFu­sion soft­ware packages. Access SDK was devel­oped for the researcher want­ing access to data acquired using the power­ful, proven Compumedics Neuroscan range of clin­i­cally approved and safety certi­fied phys­i­o­log­i­cal ampli­fiers. Access SDK does not require any addi­tional Compumedics or Neuroscan software.
  • Application domain:EEG
  • Function:management
Josef-Schuttler-Strasse 2,
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